Hi all :-)
This is a reminder for those of you participating in the Decalphabet Challenge.
If you signed up for the first wave, your submission should be posted here by January 31st 2007.
If you signed up for the second wave, your submission should be posted here by February 28th 2007. You can sign up for the second wave once you post your submission for the first wave.
Although you can link to your personal LJ in non-challenge posts, please do not do that for challenge posts. The entire story text should be posted under LJ-cut in this community.
Again, the minimum word count is 500 words, so once inspiration strikes, type like mad, 'kay? ;-)
If you have any trouble meeting the deadline, just let me know and I'll give you two weeks extension.
If you don't mind, please plug the second wave challenge in your personal LJ. Thanks!
FYI, who signed up for what:
Table of Participants