Ficlet: Homini Lupus

May 24, 2006 22:48

Title: Homini Lupus
Author: cutecoati
Rating: PG-13, I guess
Character: Fenrir Greyback. And [beep]. Sorry, can't spoil you.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Warning: Erm. Uh. Is it a valid excuse to say that I was drunk? *runs away, cackling*
Disclaimer: All JKR's. Don't sue, I don't have the money.

Yawning, Fenrir Greyback stretched his long limbs. He was really getting used to it - the numbness and pain that followed from each re-transformation, the blank memory which he thought to be more of a torture than any recollection of the past night could have been.

They say it's different when an adult is infected, that the confusion and disorientation a child or adolescent usually feels is replaced by more concrete yet no less dreadful images spurred by a more experienced mind.

They say the more clearly you remember your previous life, the more you long to return to it.

Actually, Fenrir Greyback didn't have the feeling that he wanted his old life back. Going back to be an advocate who had already reached the ceiling at 30-somewhat not only as far as career prospects were concerned?

Women had never been interested in him. In the best - or worst? he was never sure about this - of all cases, he was being treated nicely by them; and he still felt shame and rage flare up inside him whenever he recalled the evening when he had talked this mousy female into following him, and she - she, who no other man would ever pay any attention to - had laughed at him! And others had called him things so mortifying, so… perverted and wrong…

His relation to men was equally problematic. Already as a child, he hadn't been able to socialise easily, and had found himself totally incapable of playing along these masculine games as an adult, always being at the receiving end of all the mockery and pitiful smiles.

This journey to the German speaking region had been his first time abroad. Alone, of course, and alone he had been when he was being attacked during the walk through the Black Forest.

He had realised the change almost immediately, and was by now convinced that it had been a mutation to the better. For the first time in his life, he felt truly alive, a sensation of strength and fortitude running through his veins; every possibility to gain and exert power was now laid out for him, only waiting for him to grab his chance.

One not so far day he would be known, honoured, and feared, for both his mind and his deeds, would be the leader instead of the humble follower.

And maybe… he could as well…

He had been watching her for some days now. Only four days to go until full moon… licking his lips, he slowly followed the little girl bouncing along the forest track, swinging her basket, and her cute red hooded cloak was shining between the trees.

=fairy tales, *fandom: harry potter, cutecoati

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