Oct 31, 2004 16:39
Where do I begin? This week was ( as us so cal people say) heeeeella long. It was midterms ( well IS midterms- I still have one left on tuesday). I had work on monday and then classes all day on tuesday. All through this I was writing my paper for education reform. I was also reading for evolution of education and trying to make notes for my music class. Wed I got off of work early and I finished my paper !! Then I had meettings up the ying yang. That night I had to revise my paper and finish up notes for music and also do some reading for edu. reform. Ugh. The next morning I forget to print out my paper as I go to the library to study for music at 12. I call Candy and thankfully she is tehre and can email me my paper. Take my women in music midterm and I am pretty sure I did really well. Came back and printed out my paper- turned that in. Then I went to section but skipped my 6pm class...speaking of which I need to get the notes for it....Then my weekend began.
Sergio came over and we threw a couple back haha. Such a weird saying. Many analytical conversations ensued after that- a lot of stuff I haven't thought about. Good times. I finally went to sleep around 3 I guess.
Friday was really cool. I like friday's because I don't have class and I get to do usually errands but also I have time to myself. I know I am going out later so I dont mind doing little things. I take a long time to get ready and I even colored a picture haha. Listen to music all day and just be realyl slow...sometimes you just got to slow down. Then that night there was this really big party in Bonny Doon. I always thought that place was like a retirement community. Marissa,Candy,Meatball,Berto and I all piled into Jeremy ( the jeep) and drove all teh way up Empire Grade which is hella scary at night- all windy and stuff. Good dj. Then people came and I caught up with Erica, Carla and Cindy. Martha went home for the weekend- makes me sad! Dance a bit. The DJ played me and Carla's song- Head Strong or whatever by LL Cool J. That was cool. Then there were a lot of cops and we waited in teh car in line while Marissa yelled out the windows haha. Went back to Berto's and then found somewhere to go. Ended up with the frat guys and more dancing and drinking ensued. Oh ya...I forgot to mention we started drinking before we left and in teh car I attempted to drinkl the equivolent of a 40 oz. of Smirnoff Ice..granted a lot of it ended up on my shirt b/c i kept spilling . I jsut rememebered I ddint take any pics. I need to get in the habit of documenting! So we hang out at teh apt and then to end that night I was kicked out of the room ( but in a good way *wink wink candy*) Slept over somewhere else and that was the end of that night.
Saturdayyyyyyyy........hung around till 7 and then went to Rainbow Theatre with Suzy ( my mentee!!),Sonja and Topacio. It was really good. I really liked both shows a lot. Went back up to merrill and began my search for somwhere to go. It was about 11pm and my mom called and was like..why dont you go to sleep and i was like ..its jsut the right time to go out! haha. I found Erica and Carla at Mayra's apt. and headed over there. Mayra had bought me some stuff and I found out that her and James designated a cabinet for me. I feel loved especially after they named a bug after me as well. :) So I go there and after some stuff happened ( to long of a story and not really my business) I end up going back home with Carla. I planned on spending the night there so i went and got my pjs and we left. Erica went to sleep but Carla and weren't ready to let the night end so we busted out some drinks and cards. It was around 1 am when we started and we realized that it was daylight savings so that we were gonna gain an hour. We start playing a game and taking some shots( of smirnoff ice haha) and then it hit 2 am...we swtiched back the clocks and were like " yes- we can do it all over again!" and needless to say we utilized the 25th hour of Halloween. haha. We began with the normal drinking phone calls and then started to confuse each other when we both started talking at teh same time. Carla then busted out her video camera and I have yet to see it. Then I borrowed Martha's bed and knocked out. I woke up arond 9 ( after going to sleep at "3" which was really 4am) and couldn't rememeber why I was there. Then I remembered I wasnt in my apt. I was confused lol Went back to sleep and the woke up to fight over the tv with Edgard..him and his sunday football! Picked up Carla's costume in downtown and then headed back up to campus. Got ready to go to work and here I am now..writing this fine piece of literature for you fine people.
Tonight... I get off at 8 and the weekend is not over people...its Halloween and in Santa cruz. Granted I am not looking forward to the little have naked girls ( they should not subjec themselves to half nakedness in freakin 40 degree weather). But me and the roomies and berto are going downtown and then to a party with the frat guys. So...who knows what the night will entail..all I know is I have a bad ass headache at the moment. I already took two ibprofuns and then like right now I took two migrane pills. Its kind of going away..maybe I need to eat some real food and not sugary stuff..Erica made pancakes and then i had some pumpkin pie..hmm. But ya..Well I will update with pictures of this up coming night...