Jun 02, 2010 02:32
It's taken me almost a year to do it, but I have finally managed to convert all of the data I had on DVD to my external hard drive. Included in that data is roughly 500 GB worth of anime. That makes me feel accomplished and retarded at the same time. Mostly because I haven't watched half of it, but whenever I want to, I have easier access to it. My DVD drive died a long time ago so I had to buy an external one. I only have 3 USB ports and about a million things that require USB ports so it kind of sucks having to plug and unplug everything, yeah because I'm lazy like that.
On the subject of anime, I bought Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, the first 13 episodes, on DVD. I started watching it when it first came out and didn't really like it, but after watching an episode on TV I decided I liked the dub. I do like the dub. I also can see, after watching the first disk, how well it sticks to the manga. I am a diehard fan of the manga, which I thought was leaps and bounds better than the original series. I am looking forward to seeing the rest of Brotherhood.
fullmetal alchemist,