Barry's girl to boy mod

Jan 09, 2010 18:57

Barry is the latest addition to my collection of dolls and I don't have any pictures of him with his head on his body yet, but I'd like to share the pictures of the mods I did on his body. They were posted before at DoA and Jointed Love.

I got a Zaoll body for him, because the Bleu Citron head is an MSD sized head and the body is 52 cm. I wanted a mature body, but because the head is so small I thought it wouldn't look that good on a larger body. Today I found out that the head is as large as Rozenknop's head (a 60-something cm SoulDoll Lee Jun Ki).
Anyway the Zaoll body is a girl body and Barry is a boy, so the breasts were the first to go.

Pictures ahead of naked doll boobs.

First there's a picture of the untouched torso and the tools I used:

On the left you see the multi-tool I used and there are some files in the picture as well. What you can't see is the sanding paper. I used grits 180, 280, 400 or something close to those numbers. Nothing above 400, though.

With the multi-tool I flattened the breasts, but not too much. I wanted to sculpt nipples from the resin.

Here I marked where I wanted the nipples and where I would sand off a part from the breasts. I didn't do it in this mod, but if I should do a girl to boy mod in the future, I'll cut of a bit from the sides as well to make a \___/ shape. It looks more natural that way.

After some sanding with the files it started to look this way. It's shiny, because I use water while sanding. It keeps the amount of resin dust particles in the air low.

It's important to check how your work is progressing from all angles.

I started to work on the nipples.

Because I thought that I would accidentally sand over the nipples while sanding with finer and finer grade sanding paper to smooth the resin, I kept the nipples large. It's easier to sand something off than sand something on. As a result I got some scary nipples of doom.

When I had reached the stage of the two pictures below I was quite happy with the result, except for the protruding nipples.

I was kind of sad to continue to sand the chest even flatter, but I thought that would be for the best. It looks better now that's it flatter, but there wasn't enough resin left to move the nipples higher. I kind of wish that would have been possible.
This is how Barry's chest looks like now.

Because the body was originally a girl body I sculpted boy bits with epoxy clay.
Click here if you would like to see tiny, epoxy doll penis: click.
Click here if you would like to see the body with flattened chest and sculpted penis: click.
I have some issues with little bits of dust getting in my epoxy and I keep trying to make sure no dust gets into the epoxy, but fail most of the time. Too bad the middle picture in the first penis photo is blurry, but I didn't feel like taking new pictures.
It looks a bit small, but the bits look fine when Barry is wearing pants and that was the main goal of sculpting boy bits.
Maybe I'll blush the epoxy so that it will match with the body, but as I usually don't take pictures of frontal nudity during photoshoots and Barry will keep his pants on most of the time, I'm in no hurry.

I hope to post some pictures of Barry's head soon, but as long as it keeps freezing he won't get a face-up.

barry, abjd, mods

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