That's why it's called a love seat

May 02, 2009 14:14

Photo spam time!

I wanted to use the piece of fabric carte_blanche_x gave me for my birthday as a backdrop for these pictures, but I decided to wash it first as there was a bit of paint on it in the middle. I can use it for the next shoot, though I think that a golden background would have suited these pictures.
Finally the horribly coloured couch gets some use too! I bought it for the bad colours. XD Holly went through so much trouble making the couch look cool.

You are now given a photo of a shoe.

I love these dollheart shoes and I'm quite surprised they fit Elfred's feet. DoT boys have notorious difficult feet when it comes to finding shoes. I'm glad I bought the brown pair and not the black ones. The brown ones seem to be a bit more classy.

Anyway, pic spam death of 43 more pictures behind the cut. I just couldn't pick a few, so here are all of them. I'll just select a few when I'm going to post at SA or DoA, but picking just a few is so hard. XD

Holly's head is currently on Elfred's body and that body wasn't cooperating much, so I had to fake this scene. XD The Dollstown body for Holly is currently held by customs. I hope customs plays nice and won't leave dirty finger prints, though the lack of boobs seems to help keep people want to "play" with these dolls.

The following five pictures were a bit hard to fit in with the above "story line", but they are still cute, I'll include them.

Thanks to lil_noa for the eyes Holly's wearing.

holly, ludowic, photo shoot, abjd, hendrik

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