May 10, 2013 14:41
I'm amused. Given all the panic and fuss about tracking students with RFID tags I'm kind of amused that no one thinks twice about giving their kid a smartphone, ipod, or similar wi-fi enabled device. I'm working with the new wireless system we are rolling out at a school and when it is done using 33 wireless access points I can track any WiFi enabled device around campus and to the exact location. I can even follow it through the day as it moves around. Because the WiFi enabled device is always pinging nearby wireless access points and I'm collecting that data looking for logins.
So all the same people who would be up in arms about giving their precious kid an RFID enabled ID card that only gets scanned when you pass through certain points do not think twice about that same kid having a WiFi enabled device and being tracked by it to the inch as it moves around campus. Strange.
Mind you as a network admin I'm always amused at how ignorant of what is and is not tracked people are.