Jul 05, 2010 20:03
I seem to have completely given up on blogging, its been a year hasn't it?
Hmmm updates, firstly I do still read your LJ entrys and my thoughts are with all of you and the problems you are having and successes too!
The girls, hmmm, Avalyn is 8 and is still top of her class but no one has managed to get rid of the "talks too much in class" comment lol. She is also still up to divilment (just been corrected, english people say devilment :p ) Running between traffic on a fairly busy road and trying to get Cait to copy her. Michael has rightly grounded her but couldn't get her reasons out of her. Personally I think it's a combination of sibling rivalry and natural selection, killing off the weaker sibling so she gets everything lol kidding. However it backfired because Cait wasn't daft enough to copy her and went inside and told Michael :p
Cait is now 6 and is addicted to "puppy in my pocket" range of toys so now after Caits birthday in May there is a mass of potentially letal toys within range of their baby brother at Dawn and Michaels house. They have moved into a council house due to there being no work available in Waterford so the girls have to change school next september, so thats a bit of a worry about bullying and adjusting to new friends.
Roisin, wow, where to start, 2 and a half, way ahead of her age in most things, balance, speech (she can hold proper conversations with adults) her counting is good but I've not started on alphabet but read with her daily so hopefully she will pick it up easily, coordination etc all brilliant according to the health specialists. The only thing letting her down is too confident with adults and will attatch herself to anyone she thinks should join her playing (very embarrassing at parks) but she is not confident with other children, so to address this we have enrolled her in pre-school, she starts wednesday, she was menat tot start next september but she enjoyed her visit there so much she didn't want to leave so she gets to go for 3 weeks before it closes for summer.
Hmm just read back over that, sounds like bragging lol, don't care, mothers rights etc :p
As for me, I am not doing great, rather not discuss it really just focusing on my girls to keep me going. All of them will be together here for the first 2 weeks of August!! Dreading all the travel and the backlash I will get physically but it'll be worth it.