S/P mini!fics (Big Bang Theory fanfic)

Nov 19, 2009 00:37

Both of these were originally written in the OMGBOOBZ thread on Paradox (the promo one, you know what I'm talking about), and I thought I'd pull them out so as not to lose them. Granted, I was fairly tired for both of them ;)

(to explain: there was discussion of velociraptors before this)

original: http://community.livejournal.com/sheldon_penny/679052.html?thread=12780428#t12780428


Sheldon's always had a soft spot for velociraptors. Probably because his family loved Jurassic Park and were always keen on watching it and yes, it was enjoyable to watch, faulty science aside, even though the velociraptors were certainly not as tall as they were portrayed in the movie.

He's not entirely sure why he suddenly sees velociraptors on the inside of his eyelids as his fingers slowly let go of the soft skin that he now definitely knows is not Penny's arm, unless some subconscious part of him is waiting for her to tear him apart as a raptor would.

But she doesn't seem like she's going to. She doesn't even seem as upset as he would have thought she'd be, if he'd ever imagined a situation like this.

And some very, very small part of him considers that from a young, fundamental age he'd considered Velociraptors = Good.

He shudders to think what that says about his current situation.

link: http://community.livejournal.com/sheldon_penny/679052.html?thread=12804236#t12804236


Leonard laughs derisively. “You had to depend on Sheldon?” he asks, making it clear exactly what help Sheldon must’ve been. Penny frowns at his attitude, but the frown immediately softens into an amused, affectionate sort of smile.

“It wasn’t bad,” she says, staring into space behind Leonard. “He was…sweet.”

“Sheldon was sweet?” Leonard scoffs, but the way Penny’s acting is unnerving him a little. To their left, Howard looks as surprised as he does, but Raj is…smirking. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Hmm?” Penny asks, looking surprised to see he’s still there. “Oh, yeah, I mean, I had Sheldor the Conqueror run to my rescue, how could I not be?” She’s looking over to the kitchen where Sheldon is, and despite the fact that he hasn’t heard any of their conversation, when he meets Penny’s eyes they both smile.

Affectionate. Definitely affectionate.

“Penny, here, maybe you should sit down,” Leonard says, feeling like he’s interrupting some private moment, and again Penny starts. When she refocuses her attention, she lets him lead her to the couch, where she, per usual, steals Sheldon’s seat.

“Sheldon, come on out, we have to watch the rest of the “Children of Earth” special!” she calls out, and Leonard, Howard, and Raj trade looks.

“You’re watching Torchwood?” Leonard asks, pure disbelief in his voice.

“Hmm?” Penny asks, clearly distracted by Sheldon coming over.

With food.

For Penny.

Sitting down.

Next to Penny.

Not in his seat.

“Sheldon?” Leonard asks, feeling slightly faint. “You aren’t sitting in your seat?!?”

“Leonard!” Sheldon says, looking shocked, “Penny is hurt! Are you saying I should make her move when that will clearly aggravate her injury? She needs her rest!”

Looking entirely too impish, Penny smirks up Leonard. “Yeah, Leonard, come on.” She turns to Sheldon, grinning. “So what’s for dinner?”

z pairing: sheldon/penny, z.character: sheldon cooper, z fandom: big bang theory, z.character: penny nolastname, fanfic

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