
Oct 21, 2012 15:25

Dearest, darlingest Yuletide writer,

It's my favorite time of year! It's getting colder out, and the air smells like rain and words, and the fact that some of those words are going to be for me never fails to excite and astonish me. Let me first assure you that I adore fics of all sizes and shapes, and I already positive that I'm going to love whatever you write, because you'll be writing it for me, and how could I ever be anything but absolutely thrilled about that??

Right I should get down to brass tacks and stop rambling.

My four requests this year are:

InSecurity (tv) - Peter & Alex (or Peter/Alex)

I have such a soft spot for this ridiculous show, I can't even explain. I just love it so much!! I'm super on board with either a 'shippy fic or a gen fic, and I love their interactions in both seasons. I also love the entire cast, so if you decide you want to a more ensemble focused direction, that's also cool!

As for prompts, you can honestly go in any direction. However, if you're looking for a prompt, I'm very fond of tropes, and this show is practically made for them. We're talking snowed-in, one bed, accidentally handcuffed/stuck together, fake dating, fake married, h/c, really anything along those lines. Honestly, though, I'm up for anything!

Starlings (tv) - Fergie & Loz (or Fergie/Loz)

I adored this show SO MUCH and then no one I know watched it, and every time I rewatch it I just roll around in the Fergie and Loz scenes. Again, this is a show that has a strong ensemble, and I love the whole ensemble, so feel free to add any characters or none at all. (The only thing I'd ask is not to have the fic FOCUS on Belle/Reuben, because while I do like them I don't find them AS interesting as the others.) When it comes to Fergie and Loz, once again I'm up for 'shippy or gen, wherever you want to go.

I'm good with any sort of story, although if you prefer a prompt I'd say anything with misadventure. They get lost, they end up in the middle of a murder case, they get taken hostage by incompetent criminals, they accidentally get hired by a traveling circus, etc. If you go with the 'shippy route, I'd prefer first time rather than established, but that's not a hard and fast rule, either. Basically they're just the best, and anything you write will make me happy!

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (tv) - Phryne & Jack (or Phryne/Jack)

Okay, so, I love this show so much it's almost physically painful. Like. Ahhh. Ahhhhhh. And for the THIRD time I really do adore ALL of the characters, so feel free to include any or none at all, it's entirely up to you. (I'm trying to open your options, not limit them, if that makes sense!) I love a lot of things about this show - all of them to be honest - but I especially adore how the show treats Phryne. How her femininity and strength and awesome golden gun are never treated as a bad thing. How Jack treats her as if none of those things are bad, either - how in the later episodes he doesn't even really bother with the token protest. How the two of them run into the house in the 12th episode, Jack's shirt still messy and Phryne visibly scared - both of them being vulnerable in ways they usually try to hide. I JUST LOVE THEM A LOT, OKAY.

Again, please feel free to go anywhere with this - have them bantering, do a case fic, go with the tropes - one bed fic, handcuffed/stuck together, locked in a room together, h/c, anything honestly. The one thing I want to stress is that if you do write something where they get together, please have Jack be divorced first. If they're flirting or whatnot, I'm fine with him still being separated, but if they actually kiss or more then just half a line mention about him being divorced would be fantastic. (I'm just not a fan of cheating fic.) It doesn't need to be 'shippy if you don't want to write 'shippy, though, obv!

But yeah. I LOVE THEM.

Longmire (tv) - Walt & Vic (or Walt/Vic)

Longmire! Man, I loved this show so much. SO MUCH. This is another one where I haven't read the books, so show-canon only please. What I love most about the show is the feel of it, I think? Or the characters? Or just all of it? I'm good with 'shippy or gen fic, and depending on how wide or narrow you want the focus to be, I really enjoy the rest of the characters as well.

You can honestly go in any direction at all, but if you want a prompt I'd say maybe just anything that keeps them in close contact, because I really enjoy their interactions, and anything where they're spending more time than normal together would be A+. This could be something for work (stakeout, undercover), something because of circumstances (trapped together somewhere, lost, h/c), or something pure tropey (one bed, fake dating/marriage, etc). Really anything with the two of them is going to make me happy, though!

Likes: I love character driven fic, tropes, and I adore banter. All of my requests are 'shippy OR gen, and that's just because what I love most about these relationships are the character interactions, no matter what context you choose to go with =)

Dislikes: any sort of pregnancy fic, infidelity, and I'd prefer no PWP.

Okay, I think that's it! If you have any questions, weasleytook should be able to answer them, or act as a go-between for us =)

Lastly, and most importantly, I just want to reiterate that yuletide is a fantastic event, and please don't be stressed over this. I'm positive that whatever direction you go, I'll end up loving it!

Thank you!


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