Levels of Like (The Big Bang Theory)

Oct 29, 2009 02:02

Title: Levels of Like
Spoilers: None, really...let's just assume it's set in the future, after L/P is over (soon.please.god)
Rating/Warnings: PG
Word Count: 1,153
Disclaimer: Own nothing, plz don't sue ;)
Summary: Penny has always known what she wanted. And even if what she wants surprises her, she’s still going to get it. She’s that kind of girl. Penny ( Read more... )

z pairing: sheldon/penny, z.character: sheldon cooper, z fandom: big bang theory, z.character: penny nolastname, fanfic

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Comments 14

arabian October 29 2009, 09:55:15 UTC
Oh, this was gorgeous and sweetly sexy. LOVED IT!


muir_wolf October 30 2009, 00:26:48 UTC
Aww thank you! Glad you liked it =)


babebubeboink99 October 29 2009, 14:31:06 UTC
I love how she keeps saying the opposite of what she really means/feels. Things like this when done the right way are awesome. Kudos.


muir_wolf October 30 2009, 00:29:39 UTC
Haha thanks, it seemed like something Penny would do...glad you liked it!


7gifts October 29 2009, 21:59:55 UTC


muir_wolf October 30 2009, 00:30:03 UTC
Thanks! =)


labibliographe October 30 2009, 02:50:40 UTC

I like how Sheldon, while socially inept in many ways, has deciphered Penny's desires, makes his position known, and moves in for what he understands they both want. He is direct, confident, and tender without being insensitive in the least. As Sheldon lives more with his friends and is exposed to Penny in the series, I can easily see this scenario playing out in the future. A sweet vignette, very well written with Sheldon's and Penny's voices captured perfectly.



muir_wolf October 30 2009, 07:56:42 UTC
Oh wow, you are so unbelievably sweet! I'm glad you liked it, and considering how worried I was about Sheldon's voice, you just totally made my night =)


hpchickadee November 6 2009, 07:19:06 UTC
Please consider it a compliment that this is the very first fic I've read in this brand-new fandom (I just started watching the show on Monday, bought the DVDs on Tuesday, and finished both seasons by this evening!) and I adored it. I'm on the fence about this ship, but I believe in it enough to join this comm, and this first beautifully written, absolutely in-character story may just sway me completely!

Loved it! ♥


muir_wolf November 7 2009, 05:56:20 UTC
Okay, um, wow, I think your comment just made me actually radiate glee. I didn't know that was possible until now ;) You are so unbelievably sweet, and I'm psyched that you're getting into S/P, cuz how cute are they! Thanks for taking the time to review!!


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