Let's start right off w/ the fact that I'm branching off from
www.fanfiction.net/~wolfmaid (this is my direct link) and I'll be posting things here as well as just rambling about ah-maze-ing fics, etc.
As in: Shweir fans:
www.youtube.com/watch Really fast, I will write any pairing under the sun, so if there's a pairing you want to see happen, and it's in something I'm familiar with, let me know. My OTPs are shweir (SGA), Huddy (House), and Bones/Booth (Bones). However, I'll pair together anyone if I think I can make it work. =)
I love to write. A Lot. For health reasons, I'm not going to be able to update as much as I like right about now, but that should pass soon enough.
I'll still be posting everything to ff.net, but I created this in case I might want to write things of a more "adult" nature, shall we say. =P I'll probably also cross-post some of my older fics, but only the ones that I actually think are fairly decent (so not too many, haha)...
Yeah, that's about all I wanted to say first off.
Much love, Wolfie