Title: Like a Long Lost Friend Rating: T/PG-13 Word Count: 1008 Disclaimer: Sherlock Holmes isn't mine, etc. Summary: Holmes/Watson. 09 movieverse. AS COWBOYS. Reposted from Kink!Meme - originally posted Here
Thank you so incredibly much! I love the idea of an epic Holmes/Watson multichap, but alas I've got several WIP's and I'm not sure if I could pull off cowboy fic of any real length, but I'm def glad you liked this <3
awwww!!!! that was adorable! i love the idea of them out west (I did just buy Tombstone on DVD to replace a missing VHS_ god that movie RULES) so this was very fun to read!
You probably haven't known me long enough to know this, but ... I have a deep and abiding love for cowboys and people who write about them. Especially in AUs.
Comments 6
ANYWAY. HAI. Cowboys are the best, yessssssss
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