Finally updating...

Mar 27, 2005 01:31

Isn't it amazing? I'm finally updating...

I guess, since I haven't updated this since like the beginning of February, now's a good time to update. I know it's been like almost two months since I updated last, but whenever I wasn't busy doing something, I just never knew what to write or just never felt like updating. I guess if I can't think of anything to say I'll just babble on about how my day was or something. I'm also going to update my LJ because Ashley and Mr. Awesome said I should. :-D

What's going on? What's been going on? Not all that much. I'm at home again even though spring break ended two weeks ago because it's Easter. I get to go back to college, though, around 2 tomorrow because my wonderful university doesn't believe in giving days off for Easter. Yay! More classes bright and early on Monday...

I can't pretend I'm not happy I'm going back, though. College has been such an awesome experience this entire year. I left home wondering how I would ever get used to being away from family and friends at home, and now, whenever I'm home, most of the time I just want to be back up at college. I guess I can say I've adjusted pretty well. I love being home because I get to see all the friends I miss from high school, but I also love being away at college because I've made lots of new friends and because being away from home, being free, and being able to hang out with new friends I've made is really cool too. Being the indecisive person I am, sometimes, I don't know whether I'd rather be back in high school or up at college. High school was fun, but college has been a lot of fun too.

I can definitely make up my mind on one thing, though...I don't want this semester to end! My freshman year's been awesome, and even though next semester should be great too, a lot of people I've become friends with at college are transferring or graduating. Plus, my class schedule for next semester is horrible. I suck at waking up early in the morning for classes, and in the fall I have to take organic chem and cell bio, which means that I have to get up at 8am on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Lecture for organic chem is at 8am MWF, and the only lab for cell bio that I can fit in my class schedule is at 8am on Thursdays. *Cries* I also don't want this semester to end because I don't want to spend four straight months at home in good ol' Minersville. I love being home and seeing people again, but I've gotten too used to being away on my own. I love Minersville and all the people I know back at home, but I can't deny the fact that being at college is a lot more exciting than being at home. Plus, I'll be working again when I get home. At least that'll keep me from becoming too bored at home, maybe...

Okay, I guess since this entry's getting really long and since I'm out of things to ramble about (and I don't want to start repeating things I've already said), I'll end the entry here. I promise I'll update more often...

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