
Jan 14, 2004 22:50

Dear people,

Sometimes I just want to crawl in the deepest hole I can find and die. Not because I am sad or anything, far from it, actually. Well, I am to busy to be much of anything I think! ^-^

Anywho, why do I want to crawl into a hole and die you say? Well, for the first time in my life I was hit on. No, I am not a nun, but this was quite a bit different you see. I was hit on by two girls!

It was flabergasting, outragous, wierd even... I was not quite sure if they were joking or not. Then of course one of them tried to touch me (rub my arm rather, I should say) and I freaked. Well, not really freaked per say, but for me it was a freak out. Man it was odd for sure. I just sorta said (in a very frosty voice I am sure, I was a bit upset about the trying to rub my arm part you know...Hh.) that I don't 'swing' that way and if [that person] wanted to kep those fingers for future use they had better not touch me.

Man, I have not wanted to either run or hit someone so bad in a very long time. Perhaps I over-reated. I am not homophobic or anything. I just don't expect people to try and casually rub my arm, especially girls!


Man today was a oooddd one fo' shuh!

I finished reading all the comics I bought yesterday. I luv comics! I also read twp graphic novels, a Lord of the Rings book (hehe, I haven't seen the third movie up to date, darn, that sucks eggs major...), about 5 short stories ( I love www.fanfiction. net!!!), and wrote another chapy for mine own story! YAY!!!

Oww, mine back just popped more than a bag o'popcorn. Erg. ow, ow, ow, I think I also gots me a ragging ear infection going on up there... Darn, that bites. :P

I may get to play with some horses tommorrow! So all might be right in the world (at least partially) for one afternoon! ^-^

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I am going to see Jack tommorrow for the first time since he ditched me. Hrumph. It should prove to be interesting in the very least I suppose. We are talking about noise polution in respect to our domiciles on Y!IM right now. I don know if I should scream at him or not, but, then again I really have no desire to scream at anyone of late. I just sorta got "un-mad" at the world for some reason.

Well, that is it besides I worked out for about a hour again today. Sometime soon I hope to start training in ernest, I just have to get back into shape again. *sigh* I guess that is what you get for being lazy for about 2/3's of a year after keeping in fairly good shape since you were about 5? ( or is it 6 you start in the Pee-Wee leagues? I forget.. Oh well,then I guess it wasn't that important! -_-)

Ta for now dude-las!
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