He totally didn't see that coming, did he?? (oneshot)

Jan 16, 2012 13:13

Title : He totally did't see that coming, did he??
Author : muharami79
Pairing : Jun/Ohno/Sho
Rating : G
Summary : Ohno was being seductive..Jun was intrigued..while Sho...totally did 't know that he'd been played..
A/N : It's been a while since I last wrote anything..been on Sakumoto mode lately..and I still wish that they hug in public all ready..that's better than reading that Sho touched Jun's nipple during the con...(I wanna see that!!!) Anyway, this is unbetaed, as always.. have fun reading the outcome of my daydreaming session before sleep..

"I want you"


Jun looked up from his script and stared at Ohno in amusement. He uttered nothing, and kept staring at the serious-looking Ohno.

"Excuse me?"


The green room went silent at Ohno's words. There were three other pairs of eyes watching, but both Jun and Ohno were oblivious..that there was one pair of eyes which went wide in disbelief.

"Eh?? Come again??"

"I, Ohno Satoshi, want you, Matsumoto Jun..."

Jun's eyes started blinking rapidly..A blush could be seen spreading on his ears...and cheeks..Ohno, seeing the reaction, smiled lewdly..as if feeling smug of causing such reaction..Not far from them, someone's starting to fidget on his seats..

Jun was silent, biting his lips...a well-known habit that he's thinking.

Ohno's lewd smile turned to a smirk.

Jun looked up from his seat, and stared up at the other man.

"How much?"

The smirk spread.

The sound of the newspaper falling to the ground was the only sound heard


Jun kept his gaze on Ohno..an amused expression in his face. He was distracted only when he was pulled roughly to his feet by the panic-looking Sho.

"They're calling us...Shooting..Gotta hurry..chop..chop..haha"

After glaring at Ohno, Sho left..dragging Jun along with him..slamming the door shut...hard..

Ohno was left staring at the slammed door in silent..His face unreadable..He stood there..motionless..when suddenly a small smile appeared on his lips..

He was distracted from his thoughts when he felt both his hands were grabbed by warm hands. Aiba was grabbing his left, while Nino was grabbing his right..and together they walked hand-in-hand to the studio..

As Nino opened the door, Ohno felt a soft peck on his left cheek..Ohno smiled..He turned towards Nino..pouting..until Nino also pecked him oh his right cheek. Aiba giggled.

"You did good, Ohchan"

"He did, didn't he Kazu ?" Aiba giggled again..

As they were walking, Ohno felt the hand on his right hand slid down to his waist..before slowly sliding further down..patting his ass cheeks..gently..

Ohno walked on..unfazed..like always

g, arashi, fic; arashi

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