Jan 19, 2002 18:20
Today i went out and purchased REZ. This game is not like anything i have ever experienced. the type of game, technically, is a shooter. but the style is its own.
The idea of the game is that you fly through a computer killing viruses...like a peice of anitvirus software. you get the bugs in your sight and fire, blowing them up. doesnt sound too great, does it?
Now you have to factor in the style. i wonder if the man that made this game was on drugs. The game isnt as much about the actual shooting as it is about the graphics and music. Imagine a videogame where the music played is made by you as you move and shoot. its like being at a cyber rave. the colors are mesmorizing. your character is a wireframe image of a man, and everything you shoot, except the viruses, are wireframe as well.
you may not this sounds all that exciting yet, but trust me. playing this game is highly addictive. the visuals and music are hypnotic.
if you have playstation 2 you definetly need to buy this game...cause its that ill.