Update on life, eh?

Aug 05, 2007 03:22

So I did some shopping today. I got some blue plaid bermudas that will fit me better when I tone up a little (but fit me just fine now, thank you), a Sesame Street shirt (you don't understand the love I have for this show), and a plain white and a plain black tee. I also got a metric ton of school supplies (come on, you can see the exaggeration, do you really need to point it out?), including a second set of sheets for the bed, dontcha know. I spent close to -- but under -- $100.

I can now officially say that I am halfway ready for school. Or, uh, one-fourth of the way. There are still some things I need to buy (Brita pitcher, anyone?) and some loose ends to tie up, but that shouldn't be bad. The next fourth is making sure I get my book sold to JeffCo (local community college where I took macro and calc) and giving all eight of Lori's Sims games back, and getting packed. The last fourth is getting my rest (summer school WORE me out).

Oh, and my dad says I need to get some sun on my body. My mom says it too. I TOTALLY agree, of course, but I spent all summer indoors with summer school. Blech.

So I am ready for M2. Totally. I need that release and that focus back. It'll be grand! Oh, and I tracked down a rookie clarinet a day ago. I wasn't stalking, but I will explain how I found her.

OKay, so I saw that someone listed a PSP for $100 at Missouri. I clicked it to see what the ad said (I was bored and I do this sometimes). I decided to see what kind of person this was and saw that he will be a frosh. I then, for some reason, looked at his groups. One was Hudson 2007-2008 or something like that and the other was something like Hudson... It's where it's at. I was wondering what "it" was (I was sleepy, if you can't tell), so I clicked that group. The latest topic on the discussion board was "musicians?", so I clicked it. The third one down said she played clarinet. I checked out her profile, saw that she marched, messaged and asked if she was going to do M2, she replied back with a yes, and I gave her the rundown. So, yes, I found a new marcher, if any of you care.

In other news, I got one of the two paychecks from The Pisa Group. It was for $99.05. Not bad, but now I have to call the corporate office over an hour away and ask them to send me my other one. Yuck. It'll be for $109, though, so that's neat! Not bad for a week's worth of work, eh ($226 gross)?

Also, my dad bought a 37" LCD television today, HD. Well, the guy at the store told us to call Dish (our service provider) and tell him that we got a new HD television and that if we threaten to switch service providers they will give it to us. Well, my sister called (because she is good at getting what she wants) and threatened and had to get through a main guy, a supervisor, and then to the manager. She explained what the main guy told her and the supervisor. Before getting to the supervisor they offered her the new box for $150. The supervisor then offered it to her for $50. She complained and asked to talk to a manager. She said her/my dad had never defaulted or been late on a payment, which is TRUE, and he put the manager on. She explained to the manager and he gave her free installation, free box, and the service for only $6 extra bucks a month (which would have been there, at that price, no matter what).

So yes, my sister rocks sometimes. She was the one that called my work when I was scared to tell them I needed my check.

Ick. I should go to bed. It's kind of late, don't you think?

dad, calc, clothes, work, sister, college, job, money, m2, shopping, the pisa group

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