Faith/Dawn Fic

Dec 02, 2006 22:35

Title: Knit

Fandom: BTVS

Pairing: Dawn/Faith friendship

Rating: E for Everyone

Comments: for the Femslash_Today porn/unporn event thing. No Beta, and as always….comments are sexy.

Prompt: Faith/Dawn - Knit

She was in the basement of the Summer’s residence, attempting to get some peace and quiet in a house full of teenage girls. Spike had taken Buffy out for some nice quiet time away from everything. Xander and Giles were supposed to be keeping the girls at bay, but by the volume of the giggling and random girly screaming they weren’t doing a very good job. So she hid in the basement. As one of the girls, she couldn’t tell them apart yet, hit a particularly high note, Faith gritted her teeth. Taking a deep breath she started to softly recite song lyrics, taking her mind away from the annoying army upstairs.

“You knit?”

Faiths eyes snapped open. She saw Dawn standing in front of the mattress that she was sitting on, arms crossed in front of her chest.

“What’re you doing down here?” Faith snapped out, glaring at the younger girl.

“They’re really loud.” Dawn said with a heavy sigh, throwing her head towards the stairs. Faith smirked and nodded, there was no denying that. “You knit?” Dawn repeated. Faith nodded, looking down to her lap where her hands were busy knitting something blue. They lost themselves in the clicking of the needles and the repetition of Faith’s fingers. Dawn shook her head after watching for a few moments. “When did you learn to knit?”

“Prison.” Faith said, her eyes never leaving her hands.

“Oh.” Dawn said. The mattress creaked as she took a place next to Faith. “What’re you making?” Faith shrugged.

“I don’t really know how to make anything, just how to do it y’know?” Faith said looking over to find the girl intently studying her hands. When she realized the girl was done talking, at least for the moment, she leaned back against the cool cement, her eyes fluttered shut as she fell into a comforting rhythm. She peered at her companion when she heard a soft giggle. Dawn bit her lower lip, trying to contain the laughter that had suddenly bubbled up out of nowhere. Faith raised an eyebrow.

“It’s just…you…of all people…knitting….” Dawn said before she started to laugh. Faith contemplated being angry; but then again, there was a lot of humour to be found in the situation.

“Hey,” Faith said with a shrug after Dawn finally calmed down, “it exercises the fingers so they’re nice and nimble for other extracurricular activities.”

“What other - oh!” Dawn said before turning a very attractive shade of pink. Faith smirked, she may knit, but she was still herself.

“I doubt Buffy would be too pleased to find you corrupting the li'l bit.” Spike said walking down to join them. Faith smirked.

“She asked.” Was her only response.

“Wait a tick…you knit?”

fic, faith/dawn

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