So I've been really busy the last couple days with parties, work, school and finishing my x-mas shopping. So yesterday I got Ben Nguyen, Final Fantasy 12 for Secret Santa since I had no idea what to get him. Turns out, he had me as well... and he got me, Dane Cooks : TOURGASM!!! which came with a kick-arse Dane Cook shirt. In case you don't know who Dane Cook is.. he is fucking EPIC and one of the best Comedians. BS knows since Fred and I made him listen to DC when he was visiting in October. Ben was pretty much shitting bricks since he didn't expect me to buy FF12 for him. After when to the Zoo Lights (The Calgary Zoo with TONS of x-mas lights, good make out place) with Jillian, Sheena, Ben and Evan. Then it was to Pursuit of Happyness with Ashley, Jillian, Sheena, Ben and Josh.
so yeah.. thats the group picture... HOORRRAYYY!!
Then the girls over powered me.. and... yeah
Ignore the mini-beard..thingy.. I didn't have time to shave.. >__> ZZZzzz
On a different note today was Bianca's birthday... so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIANCA!!! and I didn't update my LJ for last weekend.. for JILLIANS BIRTHDAY!!!!. I also received my JUS in the mail..YES so heres a bunch of crazy pictures. I did pass my drivers but.. I wanna post up my license when it comes in the mail.. so you'll have to wait.