Fic: X-Men, Rogue/Polaris

Jun 11, 2003 22:00

TITLE: Trade
AUTHOR: mugita
PAIRING: Rogue/Polaris
FANDOM: X-Men movieverse, mostly
DISCLAIMER: These characters aren't mine. Just taking them out for a spin.
NOTES: Polaris isn’t in the movies, but I wish she were. So this is my idea of movieverse Polaris.


She showed up in a fast car and a tight shirt. No point trying to be demure, Rogue guessed, with bright green hair. She walked up to the mansion with such confidence you’d think she owned the place. Maybe she did, Rogue couldn’t tell. The tall blonde man who rode shotgun seemed like an accessory, but only because Rogue’s eyes were only focused on black pants that hugged hips and the wide belt that only drew attention to the slight curve of her belly and the sliver of pale skin above it.

John came to the window and stood beside Rogue. “Who’s that?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” said Rogue.

She watched as the woman embraced Storm on the doorstep, with a broad smile and shining green eyes.


“I heard she was a student here. But she left -- that guy’s her boyfriend. What did Dr. Grey say his name was?” Bobby asked.

“Havok,” said John between swigs of cola.

“Anyway, her name’s Polaris.”

“I heard she can fly,” John said.

“She looks like she can,” Rogue said, staring out the window as though somehow that would summon Polaris like a vision.

“They’re geophysicists or something.” John said. “I didn’t know geophysicists were hot.”
Neither did I, thought Rogue.


After class the next day, Rogue was walking down the east hall when she saw them -- Polaris, and Storm.

Rogue went to them. Though later she wasn’t sure if it was intentional or not, if it was her that willed it, because she couldn’t remember the seconds leading up to the moment when Storm said, “...this is Rogue.”

Rogue managed to extend her hand. Polaris took it.

Was that electricity? Nah.

“I like your gloves.” Polaris said.

Rogue bowed her head slightly, her hair half covering her face. “Thanks,” she said, a cautious smile teasing her lips.

Rogue quickly excused herself and hurried down the hallway, leaving Polaris to talk with Storm, and allowing her to escape the intense green eyes that seemed to look her up and down and see right through the long sleeves.


Rogue stood on the north balcony of Xavier’s mansion in a bulky sweater to keep out the night air. She shivered slightly at a breeze, and startled when a flash of green caught her peripheral attention.

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Polaris said with a wink barely below the surface.

Rogue was caught off guard. Partly by the question, but mostly by Polaris in general. Polaris was tall, confident, and powerful. Pretty much everything Rogue was not.

"Uh, no, I mean, I--"

"I was kidding, Rogue."

Rogue blushed slightly. "Oh."

"Besides, it's not that late." Polaris leaned against the railing beside Rogue. "The sunset looks just like I remember it from this spot."

The pool below shimmered in the dimming orange light.

Polaris was silent for a moment, and the silence hung in the air thickly. Rogue couldn't stand it. And even though Polaris’ eyes were focused ahead, away from Rogue, she could still feel them on her.

Rogue wasn’t so good with protracted silences.

"Is your hair natural?" Rogue blurted out, the sound of her own voice surprising her.

"Yeah. Is yours?"

Rogue looked down at her feet. "Yeah," she mumbled.

"I used to dye mine."

Rogue perked up. "Me too!" She said, turning her shoulders slightly toward Polaris. "I used to use that stuff that old guys use for grey hair. It was the only thing that would cover it up."

"It's easier to just go with it."

"Yeah." Rogue nodded slightly.

"That's all a girl needs, right? Low maintenance hair and a nice mutant boyfriend," Polaris said playfully. "Yours is pretty cute."

Rogue blushed again. "He's okay, I guess."

"Better looking than most of the guys who were at the Academy back in my day."

Polaris was silent for a moment, still leaning on the railing, before turning to Rogue. "So, whenever you touch someone -- what happens, exactly?"

Rogue once again gazed at her feet, embarrassed, before crossing her arms and tossing her pale bangs out of her eyes.

"Well, um, it's kind of like -- I kind of absorb the other person. Like, their life-force."

"And they die?"

"Eventually, yeah."

"But not right away."


"So, what’s it like?” Polaris asked, propping one elbow on the railing and staring intently at Rogue. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, I just--”

“It’s amazing.” Rogue blurted.

Polaris seemed surprised by her answer.

“It’s like when you’re running, you’re running down a hill, and your lungs are about to burst and you can’t stop running and then you stop, and you can breathe again and...” Rogue paused. “And when I let go, it’s like when your leg falls asleep and it hurts and hurts, but there’s a split second right before it goes back to normal when it feels good.”

Rogue looked at Polaris’ eyes, and was transfixed for a moment so that she didn’t notice Polaris’ hand moving toward her cheek. The hand paused milimetres from her face, right before Polaris brought her lips to Rogue’s, quietly, but insistently, the faint whisper of her tongue against Rogue’s lips.

Rogue felt it immediately. She was flying on magnetic energy, she was repelling bullets with a force field, she was running so fast down a hill, she couldn’t stop.

Her eyes were closed. She didn’t see Polaris’ skin break into a rash of distended veins.

But she felt it.

They both pulled away at the same time, Polaris ripping her hand from Rogue’s cheek to grip the railing, her legs barely holding her up. Rogue could see she was nearly breathless.

She knew the feeling.

Rogue reached out her gloved hand to grip Polaris’ wrist, as though that would somehow help. Polaris quickly found her bearings, and took Rogue’s hand.

“Good night, Rogue,” Polaris said as she kissed the back of Rogue’s hand. She turned to go inside, but looked back before she did.

“You were right,” Polaris said, as she disappeared inside with a flash of emerald green.

Rogue put her hand out in front of her, and watched a small force field encircle her fingers.

She felt like she could fly.
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