Sep 27, 2003 19:47
Blurry really depresses me since it reminds me of her.
Anyway, I love my lukey. He's always good for a laugh,
Me: Luke eats babies.
Luke: omg no *eats a baby*
Me: You just ate our child.
Luke: omgYES
Luke: I mean no.
Me: How could you eat Luke Jr?
Luke: No, he was.... mark jr.
Me: Luke MARK jr.
Luke: That was his real daddy's name, slut.
Me: You're the only man I ever did the dirty hetero act with!
Luke: That's what you think.
Me: That's what I know,
Luke: Remember that night you were drunk and when you woke up you complained that every single oriface was sore?
Me: No, that was you.
Luke: And 3 freinds.
Luke: ie
Me: Yeah, it was when Aub and Matt were at your house. They made sweet man love to your bum.
Luke: Only after you started to bleed.
Me: That was ketchup. Things got kinda kinky with that Heinz bottle.
Luke: Oh, we shouldn't have quit on you, then.
Me Your loss!
Me: Horray for Hitler!
Me: I mean, jews are nice.
Me: OH MY GOD ME TOO. He's my dad
Luke: REALLY!?
Me: Shh, don't tell nobnody
Luke: *lips sealed*
Me: Unseal them, I needs some sex.
Luke: You can use my cock.
Me: Aww, can I really?
Luke: I promise.
Me: Can I crack this walnut with it?
Luke: Jungle cock STRONG
Luke: HUMP
Luke: YES
Me: That was good.
Luke: I came twice.
Me: I came thrice.
Luke: You win.
Me: Don't I always?
Luke: Occasionally
Me If by that you mean always, it's true.
Luke: YESmay
Luke: e
Me: YOu damn dirty mexican.
Luke: YAY!
Me: Yay for that!
Me: Going to store, <3
Luke: <3
I love you lots.
In other news, MAg hit her head retty hard when she fell down the steps last night. She's been kinda woozy and I think she;s going nuts from the drugs because she keeps hitting on me. I think. Licking someone's neck is a bit of a come on, isn't it? I know I won't be sleeping tonight since that was a big part of my little fantasy and as long as I stay away from her, I'm safe. *sigh*