(no subject)

Jan 05, 2009 14:04

Characters:Auron, Belgemine (mention of Braska, Jecht and Yuna)
Wordcount: 408
Notes: Written for lassarina who requested Auron, honouring the fallen. A little fast 'n loose spin on that, heavily inspired by replay (I LOGGED ABOUT TEN HOURS YESTERDAY, GUYS. TEN HOURS.) but hopefully that's ok. Apparently I likes it when my Auron gets told by wise ladies. All feedback all welcome, like always.

Auron wheeled around, sword battle-ready.

That woman in green was here. That one they'd met earlier on the Highroad. Belgemine. She smiled, apparently amused at his start.

"I don't see many of us." She spoke softly --not a whisper, but low enough to leave the others sleeping. "But there are a few." Auron ignored her, scanning the horizon. She reached a finger up, tracing his scar in the air near his face. "Most turn to fiends after a few weeks. And you're looking a little worse for wear, young Auron."

Auron swatted her hand away, but she had his attention.

"You don't remember me? A little more than ten years ago. I met your summoner on the road. I challenged his aeons, just as I challenged Yuna's today." Auron lowered his face into his cowl. "You said it was a waste of time. That surprised me. Most guardians are patient with their summoners."

"They've already chosen their path. They know the pilgrimage is a death sentence."

"Yes. And most guardians seem to understand that as well as their summoners. You're not most guardians."

"Lord Braska was not most summoners."

"And Jecht is not most Sins."

The hand resting inside Auron's jacket balled into a fist.

"Don't be so surprised. Farplane gossip gets around." She laughed, then her voice turned serious. "The aeons tell me more than they do most summoners. Does Sin speak to you, Auron?"

Auron grunted.

"You are a different one. I'm not sure I've seen so much faith, on either side of Spira."

"Faith?" Auron scoffed. "I was a fool to believe in Yevon."

"And yet faith sustains you."

"I am fulfilling--"

"--a promise to an old friend. That's what you tell yourself."

Auron pulled up from his cowl and narrowed his eye. "We can't--"

"I've been at this a lot longer than you have." Belgemine said with a wink. "And I recognize true faith when I see it. It haunts you as much as you haunt them." She gestured toward the sleeping camp. "You know, it isn't faith that keeps the spiral going."


"Faith is the only thing that will end it."

Auron fixed her with a stare.

"You have a lot to learn, guardian." She lowered into a deep farewell bow, a grin on her face as she straightened. "I'll see Yuna again when she's ready. Take care of them, Auron. And keep faith."

fanfic, auron

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