(no subject)

Mar 06, 2008 09:42

Fandom: FFX
Characters: Yuna, Kinoc. Mentions of Auron, Braska and Lulu.
Rating: G
Notes: This is certainly not a birthday drabble for anyone, especially not owlmoose, because I really don't do things like write brithday drabbles. This is, however, a wholly depressing first-person attempt at Yuna.

When I was fifteen, I went to visit Bevelle, mostly at Lulu's insistence --you should have a chance to know the world you came from. I was greeted like royalty --assigned a praetor to accompany me through a personal tour of the city's network of temples and shrines, flanked by no less than half a dozen warrior monks. It was tiring and strange, to be treated like that and it made me wonder about my father. I knew him in this world, I even lived with him in that world but I just couldn't place him there, among the gold statues, the niceties and all the acolytes with their endless flattery.

So perhaps that was why, when given private audience with the Maester, I first said:

"You knew my father."

Maester Kinoc smiled but did not rise from his chair. "I'm not sure I'd say that. I met him perhaps twice. We exchanged only a few words, nothing beyond formalities."

"You were a warrior monk when my father was a priest here. You knew Sir Auron. They say he might still be alive, you know--"

"Lady Yuna. I can tell you nothing about your father but that he was a worthy man. Spira shall eternally be in Lord Braska's debt and you may trust that the sacrifice he made will never be forgotten." His voice was smooth and calm. Just another diplomat. Perhaps it couldn't be helped.

"I thought I could learn something about my father by coming here. I am sorry to have bothered you, Lord Kinoc."

I bowed then, turning to go.

"You're correct. Auron was a colleague of mine. And he was a friend. Because he was willing to lay down his life for Lord Braska, that tells more of your father's character than will ever be set down in the histories."

I paused in the doorway. I didn't turn around. But I felt strong then.

"I'll never see my father again. Not really. You know? But no-one has seen Sir Auron on the farplane. If I could speak to him--"

"Lady Yuna, he's as gone as your father."

I was in the room now. My eyes met his, and I recognized what I saw there.

"You can't say that. You still have hope."

"Did you know Sir Auron?"


Something else was playing in his eyes now, something I did not recognize.

"Hope can be a wicked thing in Spira."

"Maester Kinoc, with all due respect, you can't expect me to believe that. My father brought hope! Hope is the only thing--"

"No. I don't expect you to believe me. I pray you never will."

He turned his attention back to his quill and scroll, briskly --I thought rudely, then-- waving me out.

Two years later, I saw in my own eyes what I couldn't recognize in his. Two years later, I believed him.

kinoc, yuna, fanfic

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