(no subject)

Feb 23, 2007 21:01

So! This is the first time I've ever written any (fan)fic outside of the cozy holler of FFX. Mostly based on seven-year old memories and Wikipedia. I don't know that there's much of a FFVII audience on my f-list; can anyone recommend a good general (ie not claim/pairing based) FFVII LJ community for crossposting?

Title: Hall of Mirrors
Fandom: FVII
Characters: Hojo
Wordcount: 511
A/N: All the science is true to current scientific knowledge. Seriously, anglerfish are possibly creepier than reality. Google-image them sometime. Special thanks to William Beebe for his lurid scientific writing. Even more special thanks to bottle_of_shine and delladella for their second-to-none betaness.

It's the pop-buzz-hum of mako lights making Hojo feel this way, the arrhythmic jingling of drinking rats and the skritch of claws on wire cages, not...

Melanocetus johnsonii of the genus Himantolophus. Commonly known as the Humpback Blackdevil, a deep sea anglerfish. Found primarily in deep-sea aphotic zones, they are adapted to the the intense pressure of deep-ocean environments, having adapted a thin, flexible skeleton covered by gelatinous flesh.

The project was only crippled by spineless colleagues. Gast was better gone. Dead weight.

Sunlight does not permeate the habitat; they rely on a bioluminescent tendril that lures smaller predators by emulating smaller prey. With this unique adaptation to a hostile environment, the hunter does not merely become the hunted. In a bold reversal of roles, the hunted actually believes itself to be the hunter.

With one strike of the flint, the Bunsen burner lights and a perfect, blue-hot cone illuminates the silver counter top. Catching his own glance in the dull surface, Hojo turns away.

Furthermore, it is with great interest that biologists note the species' peculiar mating habits. When the fish were first discovered, researchers noticed an unusual trend. All the specimens were sexed as female, with not a single male being brought up from the depths. Additionally, they were quick to notice that many of the specimens were hosting a parasite, despite suffering no apparent ill effects.

He holds the vial in the flame until the tongs glow orange.

What they had discovered was the first known example of sexual parasitism. The parasites were in fact male representatives of the species. In an extreme example of sexual dimorphism, the females may be up to forty times the size of their male counterparts.

A thin strand of blue liquid geysers from the syringe, evaporating the moment it hit the counter top.

At maturity, a male fish possesses denticular hooks rather than teeth and completely lacks a digestive system.

The rat gives a faint wheezing cry and squirms in his hand, bones shifting like a sockful of pebbles.

Without digestive tracts, the males are entirely dependent on their much larger female counterpart.

It's the too-bright rapid-cycle mako lights.

Nearly blind and starving, they pulse through the black waters, impelled by the pungent pheromones of the female.

Immoral. Unethical. The specimen shrieks and thrashes as Hojo expertly inserts the needle into its abdomen.

They latch onto the side of the first female they encounter, burrowing a minuscule hole into her immense side.

In a planet of accelerated evolution, the species that resist change will die.

He eats what she eats. Their cardiovascular systems fuse and his blood is transfused with her blood. The barrier of self and other disintegrates.

When the world most needs salvation, only saints will recognize their god.

The male fish withers until he exists as little more than a pair of reproductive organs, all but absorbed into the female's body.

The rat stops twitching and the pathetic warble of a newborn cry sounds from the adjoining room. It is not guilt.

hojo, fanfic

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