(In Which our Hero Learns Nothing he Didn't Already Know, Doesn't Even Get to Find Out What Athony Comstock Looks Like, and Lusts after Material Things Instead)
I went with Jen to the big opening party for the new “Museum of Sex.” Deeply disappointing. The historical stuff was limited, and poorly displayed, and they were too focused on being titillating, and not enough on being smart and well researched.
You know the curatorial wheels have come off a museum when the opening party is co-sponsored by Time Out and Tanqueray. Quite a few smug self-congratulators who toasted (with ample free gin) both how cool they were to score the invite, and how avant they were to be somewhere so transgressive. Now I know what all of the characters from Slaves of New York are up to ten-fifteen years later. How transgressive can a museum dedicated to something millions do every day really be?
Judging by the crowd there, it will be popular with the crowd that goes to see fancy-ass foreign art movies instead of real porn because they can’t admit they are crass enough just to want to look at people doin’ it. This will be big among the pretentious “look how enlightened we are crowd, who’ll secretly be thinking to themselves “Check it out! Weiners! Boobies!” without reading the exhibit text. I got no problem with people checking out the dirty pictures, but at least have the analysis, too. The saddest part is how smart this idea could have been. Though, to be fair, not
I solemnly swear not to attend another event where there is a red carpet, velvet rope and “ballyhoo” spotlights again as long as I live. It is just not worth it.
On another note, I bought myself a used drum kit I couldn't really afford in my neverending quest to be my own rock and roll hero.
Also, I am currently talking myself into believing I can afford one of these:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1860166713 Why, oh why do I _not_ have a trust fund equal to my grotesque material desires? Actually, any trust fund would be great, if there are any up for grabs...