Warner Bros. 'Fantastic Beasts' plans 'three megamovies' starting in New York

Apr 01, 2014 09:36


A New York Times profile piece on Warner Bros. CEO Kevin Tsujihara reveals new details on the upcoming Fantastic Beasts adaptation being penned by J.K. Rowling.

The article gives an in-depth account of the new CEO's work at the helm of Warner Bros., including persuading Rowling to expand the Potter universe by bringing Newt Scamander and Fantastic Beasts into a feature film.

"When I say he made 'Fantastic Beasts' happen, it isn’t P.R.-speak but the literal truth," Rowling told the Times. "We had one dinner, a follow-up telephone call, and then I got out the rough draft that I'd thought was going to be an interesting bit of memorabilia for my kids and started rewriting!"

The article also states that Fantastic Beasts will be more than just one movie, claiming "three megamovies are planned." It continues that Scamander will be the main character, and the film will begin in New York "about seven decades before the arrival of Mr. Potter and his pals."

This is the first major news in the plan for the new film, as far as how many films Warner Bros. plans to make. The article does not directly quote any WB representative, but it does stand pretty firm in the claim. We'll continue to look for updates as they roll out on the new film series.

What do you think of the news? Do you like the choice to make three Fantastic Beasts films?
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