I am in total fangirl love with Josh Groban. Yeah, I know, that probably immediately places me at the "old people" table at Thanksgiving Dinner...or so I've heard. I think my son's godfather put it rather succinctly when he saw my collection of Groban CDs and stuff...he said, "you're such a mom." So yeah, I guess I am a mom. And a fangirl.
I love Josh Groban for so many reasons. Of course, the whole nature of my fangirl-ness comes from THE VOICE (yes, that has to be in caps). I also love:
- his curls
- his smile
- his signature with the silly smiley face on it
- his dry humor
- the fact that he plays games and watches South Park and is not afraid to admit it
- the fact that he is not afraid to be emo sometimes
- his contributions and sincere devotion to charitable causes
As I said before. Total fangirl love.
In real life, I'm sure he couldn't hold a candle to what I've already got...but all the same...yeah, total fangirl love.
In other news, I was relieved to read that "mom crushes" like mine for JG are not only normal, but healthy. So I'm not the only one! So yeah!