Apr 25, 2007 23:58
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH so it was sooooooo fun! I feel like it did good.
THere were like 40 people there. WE get there and they say we wrote a new part and if you are a mezzo (lower girl) you can learn this song and audition it. SO me and Lies'l go to a practice room and learn it in like 5 min! and we go back and sing it and i felt like i did ok with acting sort of everyone was soooo good and i was like ok i dont know what is going on... then i felt ok about the new song, even though i felt like the high notes were crappy. then i sang for ANNE the soprano and I did good, but again i think my hands were spazing out. then they did "random" cold readings, but you know they picked people they thought were good. Then after thinking that i wasnt going to get to act, they called my name to read the part of the nurse (the mezzo character) i was really excited and I tried to be funny :/ who knows??? then we had a break and they talked!! that was agony. then they called the duets (btw, the men auditioned before this point i just didnt pay that much attention so i cant coment)
ok, so they call for the duets and they have they're two guys that are really good, and then they call three girls to sing with one guy and two to sing with the other. I was sad cuz i really wanted to sing the high part cuz i just discovered that i can so i was like lets do this... but they already started practicing ( we always practiced around the piano before singing solo) then the hot guy that is pre cast as black beard came up to me and said are you elizabeth ( which was funny cuz my friend elisabeth was there trying out too and she was already standing up for the call back) and then he said "they want you up there" so i go up, i get to practice and then i sang second and i acted the shit out of it and i feel good, they didnt hear me again, but i think that also has to do with the fact that i have short brown hair and the longer blonde hair girls were more typical for the role.
but after all that i just have to say i think it was an awesome first audition and I really hope I'm in the show!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA yea, anyone who cares to know, i will post weather or not i made it on friday afternoon!