Some times I just feel like a meme, I give up on all internet manners as of...[count em]...Now.
[yays, I will continue that and steal it all from dear novabird (except formatting, cause I are suxxors at anything interweb and programming)]
A) Four jobs I have had in my life:
In order: knife saleswoman/home department teammember @ Mervyn's/LB/Claims Rep for ANGRY people who are dumb & or retarded (some of them... I sincerely do empathize, not just fake it ^_^)
B) Four films I would watch over and over:
Natural Born Killers, The Slipper & The Rose, Ever After, Aladdin
C) Four places I have lived:
D) Four TV shows that I watch:
Big Brother! Survivor. RACE ^^ annnnd *thinks* uh, Dead Like Me? *g*
E) Four places I have been:
Idaho/New York/San Francisco/JAPAN *^_^v
F) Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
My Dad. I don't really have any email friends anymore. I chat on AIM. So... Kuiama, Autumns, & Duckie :)
G) Four of my favourite foods:
Tacos/Salads/Seafoods/Japanese sweets/treats (is that cheating? XP sorry fatty-chan likes foodz)
H) Four places I would rather be right now:
Hnn... Hawaii, On a cruise, Japan, The South
J) Four favourite authors (sub-categorized... cause Mehg reads lots~):
((*giggles* I am sooo tempted to put up LKH... and strangely... seriously feeling Nathaniel and nada for Akihito @_@))
1. For published authors - Susan Johnson, Judith McNaught, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, & Julia Quinn (haha- pattern...?)
2. For Manga-ka -
a) Shoujo =-= Takeuchi Naoko, Yazawa Ai, Yuki Kaori, Watase Yuu
b) YAOI (8.) =-= Yamane Ayano, Kazuya Minekura, Takashima Kazusa, Nase Yamato, Masara Minase, Maki Kazumi & Yukine Honami, Makoto Tateno
3. For Origi-web published - Manna Francis ( -- read this nows), Sidara (cross your fingers for her! she's interviewing with publishers!), Talya Firedancer, RCKim
4. For Fic (12... I read decidedly a lot of fic... All of these talented authors are for the dying fandom of WK btw) - Aoe, Daegaer, Eidolon Tree, Jessi Albano, Koumori, Mami-san, Marith, Miko no Da, Paxnirvana, Scribblemoose, Utopian Trunks, Viridian5
On a personal note. Life is well and good. There are still bumpy spots, but they are less than ever and carefully or... (sometimes grated off with cheese grater) slowly and painfully worked on. Haven't felt like journalizing at all. I sleep, I work, I RP, I begin anew. With... partying and other shite between. Is life *shrugs* Pretty basic. Though I am happier than I have ever been in my whole existence, despite depression. Next month: Eligible for benefits RE: MEDS BACK YAY! It will be awesome to pop my happy pills again.
Goodnight everyone ^_^