Nov 29, 2005 10:11

so yeah. been working on my nx2000.. but not as much as my buddy's...we did an engine swap with it. we were up for 24 hours got it "running" like complete ass... but running none the less. and apparently about to lose my girlfriend because of it... my phone got shut off so i couldnt call Jenn sunday after she left here. she didnt stop by till monday afternoon when i was asleep. everytime i checked my instant messenger she was away. she left for school with out sending me a message, i was online at the time she signed off. she stopped by briefly after school and tried to wake me up. aparently that didnt work because i dont remember being shook or rolling over. i woke up at 11 something last night and told her i was on my way over... so she went to sleep... i would like to think after not hearing from your boyfriend for almost two days you would be a bit worried and maybe a bit mad... not just mad. i missed her so much and i checked AIM to see if she was on. alot of times just to see her away message up... i wasnt mad that she didnt stop by when she knew i was here and awake. i wasn't mad that she was always away on AIM. i wasnt mad at all. so i went to her house last night knocked on her window for 5 minutes just to leave and go to a pay phone. called her and told her i stopped by and i was coming over again. went over and didn't get the reaction i expected or wanted. left feeling empty and like shit. came home to nasty messages left from her on my AIM so i didnt even respond. this morning she messaged me. again i was left feeling empty and like shit still. It really hurts me when she compares me to her ex-boyfriend or our relationship to theirs... hopefully she'll stop by today after class. *sigh*

"You're beggin' me to go, you're makin' me stay
Why do you hurt me so bad?
It would help me to know
Do I stand in your way, or am I the best thing you've had?
Believe me, believe me, I can't tell you why
But I'm trapped by your love, and I'm chained to your side"
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