Recruiting an EDITOR!

Jan 22, 2012 15:09

so the previous post is still valid because not all the eps are translated to english and I don't know if the translator we have right now can finish all the eps that are left.

The translator we have right now is very fluent in Japanese but he's not fluent in English so we need some heavy editing possibly. Basic knowledge of Japanese would be helpful. We're going to go to do
translation  → editing →  translation CHECK → re-edit AND/OR QC → release

So he has finished translating a couple eps so we need editing to move forward.

So one thing we're really looking for is someone who understands the concept of literal translation and why it's bad sometimes and why it's boring sometimes.
For that, please read this
I know the thread is about translating, but I'm sure editors will find pertinent information as well. Like one example from the thread is about NOT translating so directly/literally. Someone gave this example: replacing "can't you enter normally" with "Ever heard of a door" is NOT a mistake.

We're looking for someone who understands what that thread poster wrote and also thinks they can do something like that for these eto rangers scripts. By all means, doing that to every line is too much, too ridiculous but obviously we can't leave the whole episode as literally/faithfully translated as possible.  There's a fine balance that you/we have to find and agree on. Editing is not just about grammar and correct english or "technically" correct english (which comes from direct translation or mad literal/faithful translation left as IT IS. which it shouldn't...). I want someone with good judgement to turn it into real, natural English but I don't want them to go over-board or leave it way too direct-translate to English.

So if you have confidence that you speak really good english and you can turn it into real/awesome english then contact by e-mail! Make the title something like eto rangers or editor or something along those lines so it's not ignored.

cheerios4mee *
replace the * with @

Also more information regarding show that  it's not that hard to get 50% translation (thus helping us progress faster/take the workload off the main translator so that maybe they can finish it) because you have the korean fansub script helping you. here's the example:

So you'd have rikai-chan and tae kim grammar guide help you to translate.

You could use rikai-chan to help you which makes it a LOT EASIER.  so here's a screenshot of that.
Rikaichan is a add-on that works for firefox. and when you put your mouse over the japanese word it tells you the pronunciation and the meaning in ENGLISH>
So here I copy pasted the korean script into google.translate and translated it to japanese from korean.

I put my mouse over the word TSUGI
In the example the definition and the pronunciation is in Japanese but that's because I have rikai-sama installed.
Rikai-chan will give the definition in english!
And also you could search around tae kim's guide for grammar points that you forgot or you're not that familiar with.
like a line from the screen shot.
let's say you don't know what  しかない is. if you search the pdf, it's there and he explains it. so it's like you can learn/review Japanese while translating. Isn't that wonderful? lol j/k.
But obviously it makes more sense to go through tae kim's guide and try to learn and or familiarize yourself with Japanese/etc/etc and all that for the example I gave to be that helpful, as compared to of working with this from 0. So the example I gave would probably be more helpful for high level beginner or intermediate as opposed to someone who's a super beginner.

So like I said before, the help is still wanted. I hope this example inspires someone to offer up their services for the 50% translator for this anime or the other animes that were mentioned in the previous entry. We do have a Japanese translator right now. He told us that he's not sure if he'll be able to finish it all, which is understandable since this is time-consuming and who knows what will happen to his life in the upcoming weeks/months. Also his English is not fluent or that good to be honest but you know.... we're gonna do the heavy-editing & also translation checking with a TLCer who is fluent in English.
THANK YOU for reading!

translator, eto rangers, fansub, eto ranger, editor, juuni senshi

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