Oct 14, 2005 22:11
There are times when you actually might fall into a state of deep thought regardless of the fact that you may be a weak minded and dumbass teenager.....The day was pretty good...any day off is a pretty good day actualy ^^;...I had to go to school at 3:00...yep...on my day off...to play with the band for a football game...which we were going to lose (and did) because we always lose...I've been going to this school for three years...and we always lose....so I spent 3 hours in the Florida setting sun, facing west, so it was hitting me...watching a bunch of varsity num-nuts get there asses handed to them play after play after play....the team came all the way up from Key West...we lost...to Key West...great...but I'm not upset about it, cause even though our team sucked, We (the abnd) played very well...we musically KICKED ASS!!!!...but that really isn't what today's entry is about...its been a while, maybe even a year since I have actually written a serious entry in this unmitigated piece of crap...so I guess I'm long over-due...
I was being nastalgic, so I went through some old "things" to see what I may have forgotten, missed, or simply wanted to "re-live". I saw somethings that I did remember, though I didn't want to. I thought I got over them, but I wasn't, and it still made me feel the same way when I saw them. I couldn't do anything about it, but I wanted to, so that frustrated me....I ventured as far back as I could until I started becoming a bit upset, and needed to take a breather, so I went downstairs. Now my parents were parked on one of our two new sofas...the ones that replaced our old, bigger grey one...we replaced them with two smaller ones...they call 'em "love seats"...love seats...whatever...so they're there watching our new tv. cause our old one got fried by lighting. and on our new tv, they were watching "tivo" cause my dad simply needed to replace regular cable, cause it no longer quenched his thirst for media exposure, so he got digital cable, but that quickly tunred out not to be enough either, hence the tivo, so there watching tivo, and on the tivo is this movie that my dad likes, and whether or not he's seen it 6 trillion times, he'd watch it cause he just likes it that much...I've got movies like that too...but I heven't seen any of them in a while, actually. Regardless, the movie's about all these different people's relationships and desires to be with people, or simply how they love the person they're with now, and how they're some how all inter-connected in some strange way. Lots of drama, and "awwwwww" moments...etc.etc....I'll spare you my obviously painstakingly detailed review, and just cut to the chase....out of all the different people there are with all their problems and emotional issues...there's this one character...a little boy...probably 11 at the oldest, 12 if pushing it and he's maturing extremely slowly....but there's this boy....who falls in love with this girl from America who lives there (the movie takes place in London, England, sorry, I should have mentioned that earlier). There's this one sequence in the movie that I really like. He's really into her, but (of course) just doesn't know what to do about it, he just seizes up or goes into a gramatical and linguistic skills meltdown when she enters his general visinity....he devizes several ideas and plans to try to get her to notice him...one of which being he thinks girls like musicians so he decides to take up drums (much to his parents discontent...) eventually, she has to return to the U.S. to visit family, and he suddenly realizes the desperetness and urgency of his situation...so enstilling the help of his father, a kind, compassionate, and understanding guy, drive to the airport on the day of her flight. SO....when they get to the airport, and he's getting himself pumpped up and ready to just confront her and lay it down on the ground how he feels...they get to the checkpoint station, and they ask if they can proceed to just say goodbye to somebody...obviously...thanks to Osama...they said no...so the father just said something like "Would you give the chance to a boy to say goodbye to the love of his life?"...guy just goes I'm sorry...hey...he's doing his job. So the boy is sitting there, kinda feeling on the otherside of a crushing desperation, and the father turns and goes "Sorry boy, there's nothing we can do..."...but then he says.."unless...you want to make a run for it..." The boy...surprised, obviously...looks to his father, wide eyed, and says "you think I should!?"....father nods...so...while one man is gettin his coat checked and the security guy is distracted, with his father's best hopes...he sneaks pass the security gaurd, who doesn't even notice him, and he makes a run for it...so he's running, probably thinking in his head, "yes, this is it, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna tell her how I feel."...he takes a turn around a corner to another section of the airport, and comes to a screeching halt...behold...another checkpoint, and no man with a coat, or his father's help this time...so he stands there...(the music in the background building up)...staring at the checkpoint...and makes a blaring run for it...the security gaurd and this point was running one of those metal dectecting paddles around a guy and he croutches down to check the passengers ankles...he takes his chance and when the gaurd is scrounched down, he jumps over him...I mean...how cool is that!...he jumps the gaurd and keeps on running, nothing stopping his little legs, barely escaping being grabbed by the collar by another gaurd...he's running, obviously no turning back now....and a constantly growing wolf pack of airport security personnel on his back, each new addition seeing the comotion and joining in the chase. He's doding guys, running around corners, just hauling ass like death itself was gaining on his little ass...passing by gaurds, stewardess and the occasional custodial figure and passenger. He finally reaches the terminal where the girl was getting on the plane with her mother...giving himself the final last necessary mental push needed to do this, he runs over, yells out her name, and she turns around, she walks over to him, and the two are just staring at eachother, neither one saying a word...he's there...this was the pinnacale of everything he was working up to, there she is...right in front of him....and he freezes up...doesn't say anything...she then says his name, and asks him what he was doing there...not thinking of an answer or anything else...he simply replies "I....I didn't know you knew my name"..."of course I know your name..."....at this point...nobody knows what the hell is going to happen....until something the boy forgot about catches up with him....like an army out of Lord of the Rings, the gaurds all 500 of them show up...one hoists him by his shoulder, and he looks at the girl and says "I gotta go..."...and he's carried away....he sees his father in the distance...looking hopeful....he gives a grin to his dad, who returns it. "She knows my name!" he said....he was content with just that....so after the gaurds turn him over to his father, the two start making their way back up to the front of the airport, until somebody taps the boy on the shoulder (who do ya Think!)...the girl...she had left her mother at the terminal (not knowing what the hell was going on, who was the boy, or why was there an army of uniforms after him...he looks at her, her doing visa-versa, and here we are at the "mexican stand off" again...except...it goes differently this time...the girl gets real close, and places a kiss on his cheek....and then says she has to go....the father is in the background looking like the coach of the team that just won the olympics...like the glory wasn't his...but damn it...he wouldn't have wanted it anyway...this was his "player's" moment....the boy...stood there motionless....for a good time too. The father justs puts his arm around his shoulder, and says "lets go home"...the end of the movie is at the airport, where all these people whose relationships were all somehow interconnected are all meeting someone AT the airport....just like the movies starts to begin with....and of all the people there meeting...is one family...with a little boy waiting just a few steps ahead of them...anxious look about his face....(keep in mind, this was a couple of months later or something like that)...out of the incoming planes terminal comes a girl with her mother....the boy instantaniously runs out towards her....and again...freezes up...being only able to say one thing..."hi"...which she returns ditto....and then the father casually leans over to his wife and says five words that'll probably stick with me...."he should have kissed her...."....he should have kissed her...those words...(with a little modification)...can be applied to any situation..."he should have..."...he should have taken the shot, he should have signed the paper, he should have killed that bastard when he had the chance, what ever it may be..."he should have...."....so I guess this thesis long entry has one moral....which mine rarely or never do....don't just wait to say "I should have...."......I dunno....guess it seemed like something I liked...good movie I guess none the less...