I just stumbled across this blog again. And although there's not much on it, it took me back a few months ago. The last post I made was from June 15th. Over 6 months ago. And I can say a lot has changed since then, so I felt the need to put it all in perspective for myself. Compare the person who I was then, with the person I am today.
6 months ago, my biggest struggle was finding a new study. I browsed many studies until I stumbled across my current study, I still don't know the right word in English for it. So I'll just add the wiki link haha. ((
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogy )) Basically this study revolves around children, problems with their development. I'll be able to work in many fields once I finish this year in 3,5 years. From working in a daycare, to child protective services. From working with new-borns to troubles teenagers. I really like it so far, although my classmates aren't exactly my people. (but yeah, it's not easy to find people who have similar tastes to me in the Netherlands anyways) I'm having fun. I feel like I'm really learning something.
I'm currently also having an internship at a daycare, 3 hours a week for the next 25 weeks (30 weeks in total) and I really like it. The kids I work with are around 5 to 12 years old, the age I like the best. I'm not that good in working with big groups yet tho, I never know what to say when 15 kids start to scream and yell penis and dance to gangnam style all at the same time. I prefer working with kids on their own, and I think that's what I want to do for my later job as well. But it's probably too soon to really think about that haha.
My grades are okay as well, but still a big point of stress for me. But I promised myself to do it right this time, so yeah, I can do it! Let's stay as positive as I can.
Hmmmm, enough about college. I'm going to finish this blog entry with my resolutions for 2013.
1. BE POSITIVE; in capital letters yes. I stress too much, I worry too much and there are just too much negative thoughts in my mind 24/7. But no more in 2013; I'm going to be positive, and look at the the bright side of life.
2. Lose another 5kg. I already lost 7kg in the last few months, I want to lose another 5. (and hopefully before my birthday in february!)
3. Wear more skirts/dresses. This has everything to do with both 1 & 2. I need to be more positive about my body, people are telling me I look great since I've lost a bit of weight and I want to feel this for myself as well. So I decided that on my birthday I want to wear a cute dress and feel pretty. Of course, losing a bit more weight might help with this, but I need to appreciate myself no matter what size I am.
4. Read more books and keep track of them. I think I didn't even make 10 books this year, this has to change!
5. Be more social..... yeah, I just think I need to get out more.
I don't think anyone really reads this blog, but just putting it out there, writing all this it makes me feel good. I'm thankful I kept all these entries here. It makes me appreciate the person I am today, and what I've accomplished although it may not seem like much to most. So I hope that I'll get to
I feel like I'm on the right path for once, and this makes me feel better than I can express in words.