Some sort of strange Ocelot God

Jan 15, 2011 01:29

Sometimes you get the munchies at really inappropriate hours. Like midnight. So you go to the kitchen and whip up a strange, macabre version of roti telur bawang (bread+egg+onions). Then flatmate number one comes in and puts the fear of god into you by telling you she is not in any way shape or form prepared for her exam on Monday. She says there might be tears during the examination.

You, do not, need to hear talk about tears. You already had a mini breakdown (with tears kthx) a few hours prior (abetted magnificently by uvrainbow  )(because shit happens). So you smile and nod and exclaim in all the right places, feeling sick to your stomach.

But, still hungry. So you carry on making your awesome dish, and flatmate number two comes in. The astrophysicist :> And because despite all odds she has flattered your cooking, you offer her some of your roti (while making a standard disclaimer that the roti is undercooked ;~; ).

Because you went a little trigger happy when you were chopping the onions, you had to make twice the portion you would've been able to eat. So you invite your astrophysicist to what is sortof a very late tea-party. She served us orange juice, and we nommed and chatted. Why do we have funny faces on facebook pictures? How do you cook food that taste so nice? There's a school trip to Amsterdam; to go, or not to go?

This dissolved into a conversation about drugs, then about school, then about swimming.

And now it's one thirty in the morning and you feel bizarrely cheerful, despite the utterly miserable mood you were in just a few hours earlier :>

This sounds so much like a videogame for some reason when I read it out in my head... Meh. Ladies, if you ever come over, I will roti telur your bawang <3

angst-and-whatnot, mild insanity, fuck yeah

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