Another day in a long string of days.
First proper meal I've had since Thursday, dinner today. Being able to ignore a growling, grumbling stomach is a practical skill in the short-term, and slightly detrimental in the long-term. But I'm not usually so lax on nutrition; it's been a fever-ridden week.
Went for a meeting organised for fanfiction writers in the area. Only one other person showed up, and I was very surprised to see that it was a boy. It was completely unexpected, because statistics would say that he'd be a she. Never mind though, he was pretty nice, and we had a pleasant chat.
(During which I was mildly chided for living an unadventurous and anti-social life, ahahahaha.)
(Oh, the nervous laughter. I think I spent an equal amount of time speaking and nervously laughing. I cannot stop it, not with will alone).
Walked back from the city center; it's about 40 minutes worth of brisk walking, and taking in some fresh air has been awesome. Except for the slight case of sniffles it has saddled me with. But that's hardly a life or death situation, so I'm just sitting with a roll of tissues next to me.
Milo and rice and grapes. The grapes, because mum said I look a bit peaky and off-colour and my skin looked distinctly unhealthy, and fruits should make their way into my diet post-haste. I like grapes and melons and peaches. Soft things, mostly, and loathe apples and bananas. So, grapes, yum. Was supposed to by vitamins because mum is also convinced (probably rightly) that I'm malnourished.
To those who know how much such things cost, in a Chinese grocery store, a
durian cut into quarters was sold at about £10 per quarter. PER QUARTER. I nearly popped a blood vessel.
Currently? Listening to my iTunes as I try to psych myself up to get some homework done. Happily, I have the encouraging support of a custard tart I've been saving for such an occasion (^_-)-☆
Received a reply from Gentleman Head Gardener-san. Am planning an appointment to meet and discuss what my volunteering will entail at the botanical garden. A friend said he would lend me a spare bike he has, and if I can get it, I wouldn't need to take the bus to get there. Which would be bloody spectacular, because not only would I be saving teh monay, I get to ride a bicycle.
I love riding bicycles :D
And, A1: The Road Musical. Pfffffffffff.