Nov 02, 2004 01:02
ok, i now present:
mike's guide to catch a liar! (or, if you want, "mike's guide to being paranoid") ... (or, if you want, "how to not be caught lying")
ok lets go over the easiest situation: face to face.
when someone says something that might be a lie to you, check their body language. look for sweat on the upper lip, ect., because that is a sign of nervousness. another thing to look at are the eyes. which way did they go? if they went to YOUR right (their left) chances are they are accessing the memory part of the brain, as oppossed to the eyes going to your left (their right) which would access the creative part of the brain. if the eyes look straight ahead that doesnt really say anything, but points more toward telling the truth than lying.
next is to look at other body movements. one thing that most people dont notice is heartbeat. it IS sometimes possible to see someones heart beating, a quicker beat means they are nervous. but, the hard part is that youd have to know how fast their heart normally beats, so i dont think that this test does anything for anybody. there are some more but theyre boring, so i'll go to an interesting one: the legs/feet. most people know what their upperbody and eyes are doing, but not many people pay attention to the lower half of their body, and consequently, sometimes when they lie there will be a quick twitch of the lower body or something. hopefully it isnt cold, and hopefully they dont alway constantly move their legs, otherwise that could kill things. and of course if they get a bit squeamish, then blah blah blah.
most of those only work if its a serious thing though. people can say little white lies like its nothing. > <
ok, now heres the meathod that works in every situation! (WARNING: THIS MEATHOD REQUIRES THAT YOU THINK)
so, lets take a case where someone says something to you and you decide to put it through the test because you are suspicous.
first there are 2 cases that are immidiately presented (obviously):
1. what they said was true
2. what they said was a lie
now comes the fun part (try to follow along).
if you know what they said was a lie based on the evidence presented by someone else (such as a whitness), or if you were there to verify that what they said was not true, then its pretty easy.
however, if you have NO evidence things get tricky.
i should probably note that there are also nuances to these cases. (like maybe they lied out of ignorance?)
now, say someone said something to you explaining something that they did or didnt do. to make things easy, lets assume that they say they didnt do something, and that they are lying.
if it is the explaination of something that happened in the past, then think about what was going on during that time, and see if it makes sense that they did the action in question and lied about it. if what they said does make sense, then why are you questioning the validity of their statement? dont you trust anyone? ahahaa im just kidding. if it makes sense then i wouldnt bother going on, but you can if you want, i, however will not be directly addressing that situation.
ok, so things seem a little fishy. now the question is "is it POSSIBLE?"
chances are the answer will be yes.
then think about whether or not it makes sense that it is possible.
like if they say someone did something then how would they know? and all the little questions that come with that, so they could be telling the truth, but might as well be lying because of knowledge of the situation or maybe they told someone to do something or blah blah blah.
if it does make sense then thats cool.
if it doesnt make sense then they are just flat out lying, not lying but might as well be, lying because they dont actually know what happened (meaning that they are telling the truth in that ______ but are lying because they dont actually know ______), or they could still be telling the truth.
then once you have all of that, take everything back to the situation that took place in the past and what was going on then and see which one makes more sense. of course, there is always the chance that they are telling the truth, even if the possiblility of them doing so is low.
i think i left out a lot, but right now im too tired to notice... maybe ill fix it later... or maybe im too lazy to do that.
and remember: a liar had better have a damn good memory!