Mar 16, 2006 22:49
HELLO! this is christina michelle maza; franco's really cool girl friend.
well i'm updating his LJ cos he's never updated it in like forever.
he says hi.
im on the phone with him
he sung me brittney spears.. i think i should be worried.
well now hes singing me the pacman song best shit for shizzle.
tomorrow he's coming over with croquettas and we are going to play DDR and have a party.
we're just so cool and we hate everyone cos well we're awesome
he tried to kill himself on his neck because he's emo
no, not really... he fell off a bike
whatta losaaah!
muahah i hate him! no no i <3 him :] and his never updated livejournal
gianfranco is mad because, he thinks im going to embarrass him on his lj.
he likes men.
lmao! no j/k he hates me!
hes going to get mad at this entry cos im a loser and i updated it but only because he told me to