hey bitcheeeees. this is a guest update by moi,
le_merde_moeur .
Nicole's computer is a giant whore so she can't update. and since she's all sorry about that, i've been requested to do it for her. Since i suck at updating, I'll rock the lazy ass updating technique.
You Know You're From Maryland When...
You know more than 10 people who own boats
and they all park them at the same marina in Annapolis
You can pronounce and spell "Pocomoke," "Mattaponi," "Accokeek," and "Havre de Grace"
You prononce "Bowie" BOO-ie not BOW-ie or BAUW-ie
1 hour is an easy commute to work
You have more than three recipies for crabcakes
French fries just don't taste right without Old Bay
There are more than two crab places in your town
Even your high school cafeteria made good crabcakes
You got your first lacrosse stick before you were six years old
You call all turtles "terrapins"
You refer to your state as "Merlind"
Your mother shops at Hecht's
You still call Six Flags America "Adventure World", or even "Wild World"
You still remember the Wild World commercial (Wild World's the cure for the summertime blues!)
You can tell the difference between the smells of septic and marsh.
You not only know how to eat hard crabs but you also know how to catch them,
cook them and tell the males from the females.
You don't think that Assawoman Bay is a strange name for a body of water.
You know perfectly well why Rehoboth is called "Little San Francisco"
M R Ducks makes perfect sense.
So does C M Wangs.
You think Salisbury is a big city.
You think of dumplings as wet slippery squares of boiled dough.
You and your boss take off of work when the fish are running
or the ducks are flying in.
You've eaten muskrat at a church dinner but think it's better the way you fix it.
You think of "Dairy Queen" as a pageant title and not a place to get an ice cream.
"Formal wear" is a ball cap, a flannel shirt and Timberlands.
You still root for the Orioles even when they suck
You'll never understand why tourists come to DC.
When in Florida, you can only laugh when you see signs saying "Real Maryland Blue Crab Cakes!"
You color with "Crowns", take a "Share" with "Wooter" and think the president lives in "Warshenton."
You know the difference between Glen Burnie ghetto and Catonsville ghetto.
Your whole family lives within a 200 mile radius of your town.
Dale Earnhardt's accident was a close personal loss to your father
At least one man in your family is a waterman
You plan for "The Festival" a year in advance.
During the summer, you spend more time in Ocean City than at home.
Margret Heater, Hedspace, Jepetto, Outside Joke and Mary Prankster are people you think are "Famous"
Your radio dial is stuck on 99.1
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Maryland.
Get Your Own "You Know You're From" Meme Here More cool things for your blog at
anywho. I'm not really sure what i should update on regarding Nicole's life. There's a new obsession! the olympics...but mostly just Michael Phelps. there have been many an orgasm inspired by this fella...and i highly suggest that all of you watch his races tonight and tomorrow. swimming in general is the most sexual sport EVER. plus they wear tight speedos.
ooo she has the chance to get her license on september second...i think...
annnnnd. she's going to see Finch tomorrow night.
her latest favorite song is maroon 5 'she will be loved'
and...that's all.
check you later, kids.