First Hunt Promo Winner

Mar 22, 2010 16:36

Congratulations to Shannon Linton--InfiniteShadow! She is the first winner in The Hunt promo contest with her note from Galen and Rob to Flash while he watching the Apothecary! (The Note was taken from her story Talisman you can find it at her journal or on

The Note 
1 - You break it you bought it. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and Diner’s Club not accepted. Only American dollars or slave labour accepted. 2 - No running for a quick coffee. You’ll never return. 3 - Do not dust. See Rule #1 4 - Do not sweep. See Rule #1 5 - Do not wander about the store to help customers or just wander about in general. See Rule #1 6 - Do help the customers. From behind the counter. From a seated position. Hands flat on the counter. See Rule #1 7 - Do not look in boxes left at the back door if you want to live. See Rule #1 8 - Do not sample the herbs. We need you as semi-coherent as you get so you can help the customers. See Rule # 6 then Rule # 1 9 - Do not scare away the customers with your knowledge of music. They’ve come for the mystical not the musical. 10 - Do not short change us, or dear old Mrs. Williams, at the till. We know where you live and where Mrs. Williams will bury your bones.

the hunt, rob emrys, galen emrys, flash lynch, custodes noctis

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