Dec 28, 2005 02:07
Had a discussion with a friend on Christmas about the 'American Arrogance' [which I quote, because it is an obvious over-generalization] also known as the blind failure to recognize that history repeats itself and while we have learned from some of the mistakes, we haven't learned enough to survive the 200 year time limit on most empires. We never experienced a lost as a country to anyone and that's scary, because we haven't learnt the lesson of humility and personal limitations. Some of you may say the South has, but at the same time we try to forget anything happened so much that you don't talk about what happened back in the day with the wisdom only resentment for a previous era. We lack the ability to empathize. Why do people do the things they do? Not enough people know and only a very few get paid to find the answer to that question, but it's such a necessary one to answer that it should be taught in all schools from middle school. [Don't get me started on the school system, because if I were in charge of it, our country would drop to about 30% literate by my standards.] But seriously, we should embed the thought process in the head of the young, ask the questions of Socrates, learn to read body language, learn to see the other person's point of view. EMBRACE IT! Hell take the Happy Holidays bullshit. I refuse to say that to anyone, because I'm not refering to any holiday in particular. I'm not wishing you a happy easter, I'm wishing you a happy christmas time frame. We all know Christmas is on the 25th of December and that when someone says Merry Christmas, they're refering to that time period surrounded by a buffer of 5 days. If you are offended, because no one said Happy Hannaka [or whichever spelling you prefer] or Krazy Kwanzaa to you, then I'm sorry, but be thankful that your holiday of celebration hasn't been over commercialized that it's lost the moralistic lessons you're trying to teach your children. So why complain? Seriously? Ugh...
Anyway that discussion led to me thinking and eventually writing the following poem. Enjoy with the utmost love.
Language Barrier
Downtown, sitting in the shade,
between buildings standing tall,
we're never going to see them together again.
Blocks fall down.
Blocks fall down.
Blocks fall down.
Another engineer born to pick up the pieces,
and build lives out of letter blocks.
Sympathy for the belief.
Planes in the ground.
Planes in the ground.
Planes in the ground.
No time to second guess faith.
Bearing the war on your shoulders,
try not to let them cave in.
Goodbye forever then.
Goodbye forever then.
Goodbye forever then.
You're great, but it's never going to work out between us,
after tonight, we'll never see each other again.
Placing faith on the altar.
Blocks fall down.
planes in the ground.
goodbye forever, goodbye forever, goodbye forever then.