When I bought my clapped-out old Alfa Romeo some 8 years ago, one of its faults was that there was no key for the petrol cap, meaning I have never been able to lock it.
Being me, I never got around to replacing it, and today I have paid the price for my procrastination. Sometime in the past few days (while my car has been sitting unused in my garage, the door of which I cannot close) some selfish, inconsiderate person (or persons) decided to relieve my car of the contents of its petrol tank. What is worse, whilst they left behind the piece of hosepipe they used (which is how I know the crime was committed) they stole or threw away the petrol cap, essentially making my car unusable until I buy a replacement.
Now, I can understand stealing petrol, especially with the price of it being so high lately. But I cannot understand why they would deliberately remove the petrol cap. In fact, it would make more sense to put it back in the hope that they might be able to repeat the theft again at some point. It strikes me as being overly malicious for someone who simply wants to get petrol for free.
I suspect it is someone local, and with luck they'll be caught trying the same trick on another car in the neighbourhood. Bastards!