Jan 15, 2007 17:36
DAY 1:
today we sat for 8 hours. i can't remember the last time i was paid to sit on my ass for 8 hours. it was fantastic! unfortunately, that tiny little string of hope i had to be sitting on my ass all the time in the gas station was finally snapped today. that's okay though, it seems as if there is going to be enough to keep me busy usually.
today was mostly just station orientation i'd say. we all sat around and listened to john the regional guy talk about worst case scenarios of hoses being run over and gas spewing all over, or large fires engulfing the entire station, that sort of stuff. i gathered that most of the accidents could be prevented by banning old people from the roads. tomorrow gary and i will be organizing the hut and opening the station hopefully and beginning our on site training! it seems like such a huge responsibility. like i feel like if i'm not paying attention, someone may die with me on the clock. hah! crazy. i got to thinking, with all these stories of accidents he was telling us about, if this sort of stuff happens at a regular gas station where there's no one manning it, what happens to those people? i mean, i guess they just burn. wowza
i'm still excited