(no subject)

Jul 31, 2006 10:17

i work too much.
i travel too much.
i don't sleep enough.
i'm not blonde anymore.
i had to get some new toys for work....
i had to get a new laptop, so i got one of these. i think it's too much computer for me and i'm not even that familiar with it yet, but i like it. my old one was stolen in february when our apartment in nyc was robbed. what pisses me off most about the situation is all the personal pictures and files that were on my old laptop. i've been really hesitant about personalizing and really getting friendly with the new one.
i also got this...but that was before this came out. the t30 looks pretty cool and i'm wondering if i should bother having buyer's remorse, or just be happy with what i already have. they seem almost the same, i dunno... i haven't even had time to really figure out how to use it yet.
i've been working in new york at least a week or two every month. it's weird that the only time i get to even mildly relax is when i'm up there. i already pay rent and partially live there, but i'm pretty much taking over the apartment in the east village in september...i think. unless something crazy happens. you never know... around this time last year i was planning on going to infest and then kris died and everything changed.
i love the apartment. i love the neighborhood. i love having a private terrace, hot firemen not even a block away, organic bodega downstairs, big windows, normal sized bathroom, wamu only 2 aves away, various awesome places for anything i could ever want nearby, etc...
it's just a really big step and another responsibility that i'm not sure i'm ready for yet. i guess i need to actually start promoting and organizing business stuff for nyc.
i'm still keeping my place and salon in atlanta, i'll just be spending more time up there.
as far as atl goes, i moved from atlantic station to candler park. at first i was thinking that i was going to hate living outside of the midtown area, but i really love the new neighborhood. i forgot how pretty this area is and it's really close to the salon. they're filming some horror movie on my street right now, but that hasn't caused too many problems.
i'm really happy with the new place. i remodelled a bunch of shit before i moved in and it was a lotta work and pretty hellish, but totally worth it. there's still a lot to do, but it's so much better than my old place.

current obsessions:
prada robot keychains
luggage...and anything that makes travel easier and prettier
when irish guys say "ehhhm"
pants that are long enough for my legs
espresso martinis
nice sheets
overpriced skincare
patron beverages
blocking everything on the internet that blinks, flashes, or moves in any way. i can't even begin to imagine the amount of those spinning gir [i think that's what it's called?] icons i've blocked. i also removed a few people from my friendslist who were forcing font and background colors. i can't read bright colors on dark backgrounds, it hurts my eyes.... nothing personal.

nathan + tania + me @ niagara

no more blonde

now i gotta run to the dr and have all my thyroid bloodwork done. again.
the last time i was there, i found out that i'm actually 5'10"....i'm not sure if i grew an inch, or maybe i was actually standing up straight for once. i feel shorter now because i've been working too much and haven't been adjusted in forever.
maybe i'll post again in another 7 months...
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