busy busy busy
got back from nyc tues night
decided to take a few days off
checked my calendar -- essentially, wednesday [yesterday] was my only real day off since january 3rd [not including one of the "ice storm" days]
i had no idea that owning a business was so much work....and there is still so much more work to be done...
haven't had time to go out much in atl [well, at least not to the same places]
new years was awesome
i got my first nye message around 5:30 est
"Wünsche nen guten Rutsch und das die Kopfschmerzen nicht ganz so dolle ausfallen."
and that reminded me to send out over 40 international text messages at about 6pm est
i really need to chill on the international text messaging / calling
or t-mobile needs to come up with a better international plan
i vote for the latter
hope everyone had a great time...i was too distracted at midnight [here] to call/text
nyc was fucking awesome [and freezing]
kris did an amazing job on my hair [as always] <3
worked a lot, went out a lot
[etc ++ but i'm not going to talk about that here, but yay!!]
started to feel better at one point but got stuck in the snow and now i'm sick again and my asthma is getting progressively worse
maybe i should learn how to say "no" and start taking days off
the last few months have been a blur
btw, prescription hydrocodone syrup [narcotic cough suppressant] is the devil
tastes like schnapps and feels like heaven, but then the hell starts...
so, yeah...
as you can see from the new icon,
tyson finished my new logo image:
© www.tysonmcadoo.com
don't fucking steal it, bitches!
he is the shit!
go buy his art!
for a limited time, i think he's actually offering to do custom toons for the general masses for $$$
i can't praise his work enough
he is awesome ++
now i just need to redesign my cards [sorry justin]
i'll catch up on stuff someday...