Mar 06, 2005 17:30
i just had an interesting conversation with Alli. here's a chunk:
Ragazza Ridicola: are you eating bannnnnannnnna?
MuffinsRaGuysBF: yes
Ragazza Ridicola: i see i see
Ragazza Ridicola: banana is bad to my tastebuds.
MuffinsRaGuysBF: =-O
MuffinsRaGuysBF: they are delicious
Ragazza Ridicola: strawberries are delicous
MuffinsRaGuysBF: very
MuffinsRaGuysBF: watermelon takes the cake
Ragazza Ridicola: well. what if the strawberries wanted the cake?
MuffinsRaGuysBF: the watermelon would share because it's a good man
Ragazza Ridicola: ohhh
Ragazza Ridicola: good, good
Ragazza Ridicola: woman maybe?
MuffinsRaGuysBF: tru dat