4oJ Announcement, from drspooky

Jun 29, 2006 10:29

Do It Yourself

A Sanctioned Action of the Party Council of Olde Pittsburgh

Chairman (Midsummer): Erik J. Caponi
Chairman (Midwinter): John Eric Hoffmann
Chairman: (Coastal Affairs): Adam Phelps

Minister of Vice: Katie Boyd
Minister of Aesthetics: Laura Marsh
First Person to Post to DPB While I Was Writing This: Donald Sullivan
Minister of Head Kicking: Emily Weise
Tribunals Board: Sameer Yalamanchi
Minister of Houseland Security: Fred Zeleny

Co-Ministers of Having a Good Time: Everyone Else

3 July 2006
2015 Wightman St
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Early Afternoon until we get sick of you. Or just sick.

Now, pay attention: The fourth of July party is on the third of July. The third. Three (3). Monday. Not Tuesday. Monday. If you show up on the Fourth, you will be laughed at.

People keep asking me if there’s a theme this year. And then when I tell them what I’m thinking, they argue with me. So, here’s the plan: Make your own theme. Do it yourself. If you think that it’s a Tiki theme well, then show up in a grass skirt. Is it a Christmas in July theme? Wear a Santa hat. End of the World? Strap on your shoulder pads made of tires and show up. You get the idea. There may be prizes for the theme that amuses us the most.

As usual, the amount spent for this party is reaching epic proportions. Because of this, we will be asking for cash donations from each person to help cover costs, repair damage, bribe the police, and pay for hookers. We will very much appreciate the donation of food and drinks in addition to cash, but ask me how much we spent last year, and you’ll understand. WE don’t like to set prices or charge admission, so give what you’re comfortable giving.

And that's it, we hope to see you there, any questions you may have can be answered below. Any other questions can be directed to Erik at ecaponi@gmail.org or John Eric at hoffmann@digitalfreaks.org

Q: Why is the party on the third?

A: Because were grown up type people now. By having it on the third, the people coming from out of town only need to take a single day of vacation to be able to come. Plus, people can actually go see things explode on the fourth itself, since we havent been able to to that for a couple of years. And because I say so. Shut up.

Q: When is it?

A: The festivities will begin early afternoon on the third. Start showing up sometime then. It will last until we are done. This may be a long, long time. Crash space will be provided as needed, no one drives home drunk or sleepy, or we will kill you before the road can.

Q: What is happening?

A: Making your own theme, much food, many drinks, loudness, music, fireworks, social interaction, meeting of new people, peace, love, beer. Mostly that social thing with a kiddie pool, and drinks.

Q: Is there a theme?

A: Stop asking me, goddammit.

Q: Whats the theme this year?

A: Ill kill you. Make your own, you lazy bastard. What? You want me to party for you too? I cant do everything.

Q: What do you need from us?

A: We will handle food basics, both carnivore and herbivore. Bring anything you like to share, or want for yourself. Drinks are always needed, so clean out your liquor closets, or stop at the store the day before, because alcohol is always in short supply, no matter how many bottles you see on that table.

Q: Donation? You asshole, I brought stuff!

A: Like I said, we really appreciate and need your donations of items to make the party fun for all, and your donation of money will help us with the massive costs that we ourselves take on. We wont be denying anyone any food or drink for lack of donation, or selling cups, but we may frown disapprovingly at you.

Q: So how much did last year cost then?

A: Counting food, decoration, repairs, and drinks, somewhere between $1500 and $2000.

Q: Holy shit!

Yeah, I know. See?

Q: Can I bring anyone?

A: Yes.

Bring everyone.

We lead sad pathetic lives, and we always love new people. Just make sure they aren't the sort of people who will steal our cars and food, or throw beer bottles ay passersby. Stupid people make drama, and drama makes me mad.

Q: But Ive never met you!

A: Nows your chance! Plus, there will be a lot of other people for you to amuse yourself with. Bring a friend, or a wingman, or a beard if you need to.

Q: Im from far away! Help!

A: We have people coming from California, Chicago, New York, DC, and all points in between. We can offer sleeping space, or make arrangements with someone else. There are usually activities the day before and after, especially since this is a weekend. Come visit Pittsburgh!

Q: Any special rules?

A: Yes.

1) Be polite and respectful to your fellow party goers, and ensure that your guests do to same. We've never had any problems, and we'd like not to start now.

2) If you must vomit, do it in something that can be flushed. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.

3) If you need help, ask for it. This includes sickness, emotional breakdowns, social faux pas, and broken stuff.

4) Don't break stuff. Broken stuff makes the baby jesus cry.

5) No public sex, if you please. See rule #1.

6) Have fun. We're trying to entertain you. Be nice and at least pretend you're having a good time.

7) Do whatever the bald men say. We rule you.

I hope to see all of you fuckers there.

Post the announcement on your livejournal!
Copy the following text, and paste it into your livejournal for better recruitment! Unless people don't like you. Then you should pretend like you're not coming.

Do It Yourself


A Sanctioned Action of the Party Council of Olde Pittsburgh

Chairman (Midsummer): Erik J. Caponi
Chairman (Midwinter): John Eric Hoffmann
Chairman: (Coastal Affairs): Adam Phelps

Minister of Vice: Katie Boyd
Minister of Aesthetics: Laura Marsh
First Person to Post to DPB While I Was Writing This: Donald Sullivan
Minister of Head Kicking: Emily Weise
Tribunals Board: Sameer Yalamanchi
Minister of Houseland Security: Fred Zeleny

Co-Ministers of Having a Good Time: Everyone Else

3 July 2006
2015 Wightman St
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Early Afternoon until we get sick of you. Or just sick.

Now, pay attention: The fourth of July party is on the third of July. The third. Three (3). Monday. Not Tuesday. Monday. If you show up on the Fourth, you will be laughed at.

People keep asking me if there’s a theme this year. And then when I tell them what I’m thinking, they argue with me. So, here’s the plan: Make your own theme. Do it yourself. If you think that it’s a Tiki theme well, then show up in a grass skirt. Is it a Christmas in July theme? Wear a Santa hat. End of the World? Strap on your shoulder pads made of tires and show up. You get the idea. There may be prizes for the theme that amuses us the most.

As usual, the amount spent for this party is reaching epic proportions. Because of this, we will be asking for cash donations from each person to help cover costs, repair damage, bribe the police, and pay for hookers. We will very much appreciate the donation of food and drinks in addition to cash, but ask me how much we spent last year, and you’ll understand. WE don’t like to set prices or charge admission, so give what you’re comfortable giving.

And that's it, we hope to see you there, any questions you may have can be answered below. Any other questions can be directed to Erik at ecaponi@gmail.org or John Eric at hoffmann@digitalfreaks.org

Q: Why is the party on the third?

A: Because were grown up type people now. By having it on the third, the people coming from out of town only need to take a single day of vacation to be able to come. Plus, people can actually go see things explode on the fourth itself, since we havent been able to to that for a couple of years. And because I say so. Shut up.

Q: When is it?

A: The festivities will begin early afternoon on the third. Start showing up sometime then. It will last until we are done. This may be a long, long time. Crash space will be provided as needed, no one drives home drunk or sleepy, or we will kill you before the road can.

Q: What is happening?

A: Making your own theme, much food, many drinks, loudness, music, fireworks, social interaction, meeting of new people, peace, love, beer. Mostly that social thing with a kiddie pool, and drinks.

Q: Is there a theme?

A: Stop asking me, goddammit.

Q: Whats the theme this year?

A: Ill kill you. Make your own, you lazy bastard. What? You want me to party for you too? I cant do everything.

Q: What do you need from us?

A: We will handle food basics, both carnivore and herbivore. Bring anything you like to share, or want for yourself. Drinks are always needed, so clean out your liquor closets, or stop at the store the day before, because alcohol is always in short supply, no matter how many bottles you see on that table.

Q: Donation? You asshole, I brought stuff!

A: Like I said, we really appreciate and need your donations of items to make the party fun for all, and your donation of money will help us with the massive costs that we ourselves take on. We wont be denying anyone any food or drink for lack of donation, or selling cups, but we may frown disapprovingly at you.

Q: So how much did last year cost then?

A: Counting food, decoration, repairs, and drinks, somewhere between $1500 and $2000.

Q: Holy shit!

Yeah, I know. See?

Q: Can I bring anyone?

A: Yes.

Bring everyone.

We lead sad pathetic lives, and we always love new people. Just make sure they aren't the sort of people who will steal our cars and food, or throw beer bottles ay passersby. Stupid people make drama, and drama makes me mad.

Q: But Ive never met you!

A: Nows your chance! Plus, there will be a lot of other people for you to amuse yourself with. Bring a friend, or a wingman, or a beard if you need to.

Q: Im from far away! Help!

A: We have people coming from California, Chicago, New York, DC, and all points in between. We can offer sleeping space, or make arrangements with someone else. There are usually activities the day before and after, especially since this is a weekend. Come visit Pittsburgh!

Q: Any special rules?

A: Yes.

1) Be polite and respectful to your fellow party goers, and ensure that your guests do to same. We've never had any problems, and we'd like not to start now.

2) If you must vomit, do it in something that can be flushed. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.

3) If you need help, ask for it. This includes sickness, emotional breakdowns, social faux pas, and broken stuff.

4) Don't break stuff. Broken stuff makes the baby jesus cry.

5) No public sex, if you please. See rule #1.

6) Have fun. We're trying to entertain you. Be nice and at least pretend you're having a good time.

7) Do whatever the bald men say. We rule you.

I hope to see all of you fuckers there.

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