Muffin's Winter Break: 2006 Edition

Nov 28, 2006 13:51

Dear readers based in San Francisco, Pittsburgh, New York City, Greenfield, and the surrounding areas: I'll be around! SFO is Dec 2 - Dec 11, PIT is Dec 11 - Dec 14 or so (then again, Dec 28 - Jan 2), NYC is December 15th through 23rd or so, Greenfield is Dec 23 - Dec 26. So, lemme know what's up!

Post a comment, send an email, leave a cellphone message, track down my travel plans, throw yourself in front of my car, say hi, say bye, punch me for your sister, whatever. We'll make something happen. Tell those other non-livejournal-reading folks, too.

Also note that I'll be running my psychology study on role-playing gamers in any of the above locales where I can find participants. So if you want to make $25 (and help SCIENCE), and know 4-6 people willing to participate who play in the same tabletop campaign and also know each other OOC, let me know and we'll organize!

And if you don't respond at all, leaving any meetings up to happenstance, I hereby absolve myself of any guilt due to not seeing you if I do not in fact see you.

(and you folks from more southerly locales, stay tuned for upcoming Spring Break in DC!)
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