Dec 02, 2009 14:08
So I found out today I won 4 free tickets to see the Dallas Symphony Orchestra perform "Christmas Pops" at the Meyerson this weekend. I won the tickets from an online contest from WBAP.
I love classical holiday music, and I was dismayed to find the XM Christmas Pops station absent from my satellite this year, plus I was itching to go see the choir holiday concert this year to fill this void I have.
Scott works near the WBAP building in Arlington, so he went to pick up the tickets, and we asked my sister and my mother to go with us (Dad and James will both be at Bible study.)
So not only will we be going to the DSO tomorrow night, I also will be attending a lunch meeting for event planners tomorrow at The Palm in Dallas. I've been to lots of meetings and seminars for PR professionals, but this is the first time I've found a meeting for the other half of my job, which is event planning. And I'm not one to brush off a free meal at the Palm...
So before we went to bed last night, we brought all the pets inside our bedroom and closed the door, then woke up this morning to snowfall! :-) I wiped the condensation from the window so the cats could see outside.
Then Scott comes in with a very serious look on his face and says: "Erin, I know it's snowing outside, but I'm going to need you to get dressed and help me get the Christmas tree back upright."
It took a second for that to sink in, but alas, we came into the living room and our ten foot Fraiser was lying smack dab on the coffee table, with ornaments, tinsel, garland and lights amok everywhere. Not to mention the stand was on its side with water and evergreen needles soaked into everything. Ugh... guess what I'm doing when I get home tonight? LOL. You just have to laugh.