Oct 13, 2009 10:16
What are your middle names?
Elizabeth, Matthew
How long have you been together?
Been married for two years in December. Been together (technically) since November 20, 2005, so that's what? Four years?
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Scott was one of my best friends since my senior year of high school, so we were close friends for three years before we dated. So I guess I've known Scott for 7 years total.
Who asked whom out?
Scott definitely asked me out. When he first told me he liked me, I told him he was obviously trying to fill a void in his heart only the Lord could fill.
How old are each of you?
He's 26, I'm 24.
Whose siblings do you see the most?
We see Emily the most, especially since she lives with us. But we see Jenn and James a lot, too.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Probably family stuff.
Did you go to the same school?
We both went to CHHS, and while for 2 years he was one door next to me in the band hall while I was in choir, we didn't really cross paths until he was in college.
Are you from the same home town?
Who is smarter?
Scott is brilliant when it comes to engineering, math, and science and I just cannot compare at all on that scale. But he may say the same thing when it comes to me and history and language. I think we complement one another.
Who is the most sensitive?
That would me. But Scott is a pretty sensitive guy, in a good way.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Difficult to say since I hate going to the same places. But we like Macaroni Grill, Chile's, La Madeleine, Texas Roadhouse, Taco Cabana, Amore's and Cafe Medici.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Italy on our honeymoon.
Who has the craziest exes?
I want to say Scott simply because he has (way) more of them.
Who has the worst temper?
Who does the cooking?
Me. If I don't cook, Scott resorts to eating out/to-go.
Who is the neat-freak?
Me. I'm always picking up our things and doing the chores. Scott's OCD about most of his equipment, which is ironic, because his cables will be meticulously rolled up and tied off, then the rest of his office looks like a bomb went off in it.... 50 years ago....
Who is more stubborn?
Haha---- this is where we fight a lot. We have psychological staring contests because we're both stubborn.
Who hogs the bed?
I don't think one of us necessarily "hogs" the bed, but Scott physically gets out of bed multiple times to 'switch sides' and makes me move.
Who wakes up earlier?
I do. I'm more of a morning person, but since his work schedule has been moved up earlier in the day, he's been really great at getting up.
Where was your first date?
You know, I honestly do not remember where our first date was after we officially started dating Nov. 20, 2005. But I do remember hanging out one day together alone shortly after he told me he liked me, and I was supposed to help him cook in his new kitchen at his newly purchased house. I thougth we'd make a meal so he could learn, but he tells me he wants to make chocolate chip cookies (makes so much sense now in hindsight). So we went to Wal-mart for ingredients, then came back to his house and flirted and had fun making those cookies. That's where he first brought out his gay man voice, which not only was hilarious, but made me realize he wasn't as prim and proper as I thought he was.
Who is more jealous?
I think he is, although no one particular instance of jealousy comes to mind since we've been married. He has a lot of girl friends and I can tease him about it, but it doesn't really bother me.
How long did it take to get serious?
We were pretty serious before we made our relationship official. I think as soon as I liked him back, we knew we'd get married.
Who eats more?
Scott has a metabolism unlike any other 26 year old man I've ever seen. If I ate like that... let's not think about it....
Who does the laundry?
We both do, but Scott is especially attentive to this particular chore.
Who’s better with the computer?
Scott! I've become lazy since he does everything for me.
Who drives when you are together?
Scott. But on rare occasions, I do.